
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Antigone and Creon essays

Antigone and Creon essays Sophocles Antigone is a giant of classic Greek tragedy. It has inspired thought and emotion in readers and audiences for over 2400 years. Though the storyline seems simple enough, the plays plot drives home a wide array of universal human concerns. This is the main thrust of its timeless attraction. The story of Antigone is the story of the conflicts between Antigone and Creon, and through them the individual and the state, the physical and the metaphysical, free will and fate. Through archaic style and ancient history, these messages echo back to us still. Antigone and her rebellion against Creons dictates (as well as his reaction) set the stage for most of the plays symbolism. At first Antigone seems very clearly to be the main character, with Creon playing the antagonist to her protagonist. His actions can only follow from those of Antigone, so he cannot be the traditional protagonist like Oedipus in Oedipus Rex. But later in the play the line is blurred. The way his actions work and feed the conflict throughout make him fit the definition of a protagonist; the main character through whom the story flows. After Antigone's capture, the play centers on Creon and his decisions. Her addition to the conflict is all but spent. So both in turn provide the main contributions throughout the play. Another case of friction between the two characters is their view. One initially feels pity for Antigone because she is being sentenced to death for standing up for what she believes is good and right in the eyes of the gods. Antigone plays to the readers respect for her heroism, choosing to follow the laws of the Gods above Creons laws and punishments. "It is the dead, not the living that make the longest demands: we die forever...you may do as you like, since apparently the laws of the Gods mean nothing to you."(I.59-62), she accuses in an argument with Creon. Her democratic slant also puts her in good s ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Thermal Condutivity essays

Thermal Condutivity essays The objective of experiment #6 is to examine the thermal conductivity of lexan and glass. Ice was used to check for the insulation capacity. Thermal conduction is a term used to represent a form of heat transport due to interactions between ions, atoms, and molecules in a substance but at the same time the ions, atoms, and molecules are not being transferred. Metals are a good example of thermal conductivity because they have free electrons floating around. Heat is the change of kinetic energy which is transferred from one point to another because of the difference in temperature of these points. The unit for heat is joule (J). The formula to calculate the amount of heat conducted through material is: where Q is the heat conducted; A is the area where conduction takes place; T2- T1 is the difference of temperature between the top and bottom parts of the material; t is the total time that takes the conduction to take place; k is the thickness of the material; k is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the specific material. The unit of k is Watt per meter-Kelvin (W/mK). The thermal conductivity of a material is important to civil engineers especially because when they build a building, they have to make sure they prevent heat flow between apartments by using materials for the walls that have small value of k. The apparatus used in experiment 6 was a steam generator. The tank of the steam generator (1 L) should be filled approximately  ¾ full of water and the dial should be set to 8. A slab of a specific material is put between a steam chamber and a block of ice in mold. The steam, coming from the steam generator, enters the chamber. As time passes by, a difference in temperature between the bottom and the top part of the material is reached. The melted ice is collected and measured in order to measure the heat transferred through the sample. The temperature insi ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Project Finance - Assignment Example Unlike project finance which is considered a non-recourse option, the conventional source of funding for long term investments greatly depended on cash flows. Primarily, the classic lending principally depended on the credit rating of the borrower, since the company assets were used as security for the lending. However, due to the size of the project finance operation, the balance sheets of the participating company may be overshadowed, considering the possible lack of credit history by the special purpose vehicle that acts as the borrowing entity. Additionally, project financing has increasingly been used to fund investments as a non-recourse alternative because for an individual project, the debtor’s liabilities will not be remedied using the project sponsor’s assets. Instead of relying on the creditworthiness of the project sponsor, credit assessment is based on the expected cash flows of the project. The project sponsor is therefore relieved from any interest paymen ts or liability associated with servicing of the project. Similarly, a limited recourse in project financing implies that certain responsibilities and obligations of the project sponsor are incapacitated. ... Although the US corporations recorded a lower use of project finance compared to the foreign counterparts, the $34 billion investment in 2004 surpassed the $25 billion that was invested in new businesses by venture capitalists, and was half the $73 billion raised by stock listed companies via IPOs. From the study, project financed corporation investments were only 19% of the US corporations while 53% of international firms were project financed. Therefore, project finance has a 50% chance, and growing, over traditional corporate finance. The major short-comings of project finance First, the numerous participants involved in project financing have each a specific interest in mind. The complexity of the transactions results in conflicts of interest during risk diversification; lengthy negotiations and escalating costs for compensating parties that have accepted risks. Secondly, higher prices result because of the limited channels of enhancing credit risk to acceptable levels by banks. Consequently, increases in costs for due diligence services by consultants, engineers and lawyers are impacted by the increases in cost of credit. Thirdly, the complexity of the transaction structure and the lengthy documentation causes an increase in the interest on project financings channeled to a project sponsor compared to direct loans of equal magnitude. These costs accrue from the time spent during the evaluation of the project and documentation by the technical experts, lenders and lawyers employed by the project sponsor; cost of insurance cover against country risk; costs of employing technical professionals to oversee the project and adherence to the financing agreement; and costs of compensating lenders and third parties for accepting risk. The fourth disadvantage of project

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What are the main aspects of Mills principle of liberty Are they too Essay

What are the main aspects of Mills principle of liberty Are they too vague to be of any practical political value - Essay Example an be considered to be among the most influential books dealing with the liberal principle of John Mill and it has as its main theme at the beginning a distinction of the threats to liberty both from the past as well as the new ones. According to Mill, the greatest threat to liberty that existed in the past consisted of all the authority in the society being in the hands of few individuals, either in the form of monarchy or aristocracy (Mill, 1859). He believes that although there could be less worried concerning the restrictions to personal liberties by benevolent monarchs, it is a fact that the personal freedoms of individuals in the society tended to be suppressed under monarchs that were not accountable to their people. Instead, the latter monarchs would put their own interests first before those of their people, thus ensuring that they worked towards the suppression of the liberties enjoyed their people in pursuit of their personal goals. The traditional threats to liberty, represented by the rule of authoritarian monarchs, were threats which had to be addressed through the intervention of philosophical radicals who would institute democratic reforms for the benefit of the populace. According to Mill, the t raditional threats to liberty are not the only ones that members of the society should be worried about and this is mainly because even in democratic states, there are threats to the personal liberties its citizens (Jacobson, 2000). However, in this case, instead of the tyranny of individuals being dominant in the society, there is the tyranny of the majority, so that the minority has little option but to follow the lead of the majority or suffer dire consequences. As a result of these views, Mill sets out to develop his principles concerning how the threats to liberties can be neutralized in any society, notwithstanding whether it is democratic or not. Mill states that the main idea behind the control of individuals within the society through the denial

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Understanding strategic corporate social responsibility Essay

Understanding strategic corporate social responsibility - Essay Example One of these is called strategic corporate social responsibility, an interesting perspective that is often equated with enlightened self-interest. Considerable amount of literature have been produced on the subject of the stakeholder concept. In addition to the identification of who these stakeholders are, attempts have been made to categorise them. Clarkson (1995) has divided them into primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. The former are those who are essential to the survival of the firm: the owners/shareholders, customers, employees, communities, the government, and (contingently) suppliers and creditors. Secondary stakeholders are those that are not essential to the firms survival but are affected by its operations; these include interest groups such as environmentalists, the media, intellectual critics, trade associations, and even competitors. An expansive view would include future generations and natural entities such as the earths atmosphere, oceans, terrain, other living creatures as part of the stakeholders. In this stakeholder model, the welfare of each is an end in itself, not just a means to enrich or b enefit investors. This is in contrast with the traditional concept which puts the interests of the investors/ shareholders as paramount. There are several definitions of corporate social responsibility, but in general, according to Buchholz (1992), the concept means that a private corporation has responsibilities to society that go beyond the production and sale of goods and services at a profit – that the corporation has a broader constituency than the stockholders alone. Post et al (1996) states that a corporation should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities, and their environment. Further, the corporation relates to society through more than just the marketplace and serves a wider range of human values than the traditional economic values that are dominant in the marketplace.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cell Components and Functions in Metabolism

Cell Components and Functions in Metabolism A Cell is the elementary structure, function and biological unit of an organism. NUCLEUS: The nucleus is the master control centre of the cell. It gives command to the cell to grow, divide, mature or die. It contains genes, stores the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which determines every aspect of human anatomy and physiology. The DNA is arranged into chromosomes which also contains the outlines specific use for each type of cell and also allows for replication of the cell. Nuclear Envelope: The nucleus is surrounded by a membrane called the nuclear envelope, which protects the DNA and separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell. Nucleolus: The nucleolus is a round body located inside the nucleus. Ribosomal subunits from proteins and ribosomal RNA, also called rRNA are both proteins made by the nucleolus. These subunits are then sent out to the other parts of the cell where they merge into whole ribosome. Plasma Membrane: The cell membrane is the outer covering of the cell and contains the cytoplasm, substances within it are organelle. It is a double-layered membrane composed of proteins and lipids. The lipid molecules on the outer and inner part (lipid bilayer) allow it to selectively transport substances in and out of the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membranous structure that contains a network of tubules and vesicles. It is structured that substances can move through it and be kept in isolation from the rest of the cell until the manufacturing processes conducted within are completed. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum Rough (granular) and Smooth (granular). Rough Endoplasmic: contains a combination of proteins and enzymes. These parts of the endoplasmic reticulum contain a number of ribosomes giving it a rough appearance. Its purpose is to synthesise new proteins. Smooth Endoplasmic: does not have any attached ribosomes. Its purpose is to synthesise different types of lipids (fats). The smooth ER also plays a role in drug and carbohydrate metabolism. Golgi apparatus: is a packed collection of flat vesicles. It receives substances produced from the endoplasmic reticulum which are transported as vesicles and fuses with the Golgi apparatus. They are stored in the Golgi apparatus and converted into different substances that are necessary for the cells various functions. Lysosomes: are vesicles that break off from the Golgi apparatus. They differ in size and function depending on the type of cell. Lysosomes contain enzymes that help with the digestion of nutrients in the cell and help breakdown any cellular debris or invading microorganisms like bacteria. Ribosomes a minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins. Mitochondria: These are the powerhouses of the cell which help to breakdown nutrients to produce energy. It also produces a high-energy compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which can be used as a simple energy source elsewhere. Mitochondria are composed of two membranous layers an outer membrane that surrounds the structure and an inner membrane that provides the physical sites of energy production. The inner membrane has many in folding layers that form shelves where enzymes attach and oxidize nutrients. The mitochondria also contain DNA which allows it to replicate and to be used where necessary. Centrioles: They are spindle fibres which move chromosomes during nuclear division. Centriole are made protein strands known as microtubules which are arranged in a specific way. There are nine groups of microtubules. When two centrioles are found next to each other, they are usually at right angles. The centrioles are found in pairs and move towards the poles (opposite ends) of the nucleus when it is time for cell division. Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm is made up of a jelly-like fluid (called the cytosol) which contains enzymes, salts, amino- acids and sugar which are important for the function and other structures that are in the cell Microfilaments and Microtubules: Microfilaments and microtubules are rigid protein substances that form the internal skeleton of the cell known as the cytoskeleton. Some of the microtubules also make up the centrioles and mitotic spindles within the cell which are responsible for the division of the cytoplasm when the cell divides. The microtubules are the central component of cilia, small hair-like projections that protrude from the surface of certain cells. It is also the central component of specialised cilia like the tail of the sperm cells which beats in a manner to allow the cell to move in a fluid medium. Insight into the cell organelles in metabolism, Individual organelle cannot function on its own, all the cell organelles are essential for the cell to perform all of its functions. The cell takes in nutrients in a vesicle. This vesicle then combine with the lysosome, which contains digestive enzymes. The enzymes will break down the nutrients into smaller, usable pieces. Large carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, and proteins are broken down into amino acids. The pieces then go to the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell which help to breakdown nutrients to produce energy. It also produces a high-energy compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which can be used as a simple energy source for many different cellular reactions. In the meantime, the nucleus stores the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which has the data for making proteins. The nucleus codes a piece of messenger RNA to be made, which will then go to the ribosome, the organelle that makes proteins. If the protein is going to be secreted from the cell, this ribosome will be part of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER). The ribosome (made in the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus), interprets the messenger RNA into protein. Amino acids, which may have come from the food the cell brought in earlier will be used. The protein travels from the rough ER to the Golgi body, where it receives and puts touches it might need. The Golgi then sends the protein out of the cell, to wherever it needs to be. None of these cell organelles can perform its task without help from others. Protein will not be made by the nucleus without the ribosomes, Cellular respiration will not be performed by the mitochondria if the lysosomes dont break down the food, The ribosomes cannot add amino acids without help from the nucleus, mitochondrion, and lysosomes. Ciliated Columnar Epithelium is not really stratified since it does not have more than one layer. The cells are positioned in opposite directions, so it looks like more than one layer. Cilia is on the surface of most of this tissue. Cilia are structures shaped hair-like at the top end of a tissue that wave forwards and backwards to help move things. Its functions are to secrete and propel mucus. This helps in protection for the organs of the upper respiratory tract. Can also be found in some tubules and organs of the male reproduction tract, in this instance the tissue does not contain cilia and functions to secrete. When we breathe in a particle that shouldnt be in our lungs, the cilia in our respiratory tract catch these particles and move them out, making us sneeze. Ciliated epithelium can be found in our respiratory tract lining, the esophagus, the skins surface. It is also found in the fallopian. The cilia aids in moving egg from the ovary into the uterus each month. Ciliated epithelium contains special cells called goblet cells. The reason of these cells is mucous creation. This mucous enclose particles that shouldnt be in our body, and the cilia move them out. A lot of harmful bacteria would remain in our lungs if we do not have these cells and tissues, this will make us sick. Skeletal muscle is known as striated muscle, they have striations that run across their muscle fibers. The striations are end-to-end junctions of repeating units that are referred to as sarcomeres. A sarcomere is a functional unit of striated muscle, as it contains all the tools necessary for contraction. Skeletal muscle fibers are long and linear. Skeletal muscle fibers are stacked neatly together in a parallel arrangement, these fibers are long, and they run the entire length of the muscle organ. I guess this is what my mother expected my room to look like nice and orderly. Skeletal muscle is a contractile organ that is directly or indirectly attached to bone. Skeletal muscles serve a variety of functions including support and movement and homeostasis. Skeletal muscle contraction can result in muscle shortening and thus movement of the bone to which it is attached. Additionally, skeletal muscle contraction can maintain posture and position. Sphincters, composed of skeletal muscles, regulate movement through our digestive and urinary systems, thus, controlling swallowing, defecation and even urination. Skeletal muscle contraction generates heat, which helps to maintain body temperature. Finally, muscle proteins can be converted into glucose by the liver for homeostatic regulation of blood glucose. Neurons are specialized cells of the nervous system that transmit signals throughout the body. They have long extensions that extend out from the cell body called dendrites and axons. Dendrites are extensions of neurons that receive signals and conduct them toward the cell body. Axons are extensions of neurons that conduct signals away from the cell body to other cells. When a neuron is in its resting state, the membrane is said to be polarized because negative and positive charges exist on opposite sides. When a neuron receives a signal, sodium channels in the membrane are opened and allow a localized influx of positive sodium ions inside the cell, which causes depolarization, or a reduction of the difference in charge across the membrane. The localized depolarization also triggers nearby sodium channels to open up and depolarize the membrane nearby, which then causes more sodium channels to open up further away and depolarize the membrane there, and so a chain reaction is started. Depolarization occurs in a wave across the membrane, starting at the dendrite that received the signal, moving toward the cell body, moving across the cell body, and then away from the cell down the axon. Axons terminate at junctions with their target cells called synapses. At the synapse, there is a small gap between the terminal end of the axon and the target cell. When the depolarizing signal reaches the synapse, it triggers the release of signaling molecules called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters diffuse across the very short gap from the axon to the surface of the target cell and bind to receptors that control ion channels, causing the ion channels to open. If the signaling neuron is excitatory, the ion channel will allow sodium ions to enter the cell and cause depolarization at the target cell. However, if the signaling neuron is inhibitory, a different ion channel will be opened that will allow inhibitory ions, like negatively charged chloride ions, into the cell that will increase polarization of the target cell and decrease the chances of depolarization even if the cell receives an excitatory signal at the same time. Adipose tissue is termed a loose connective tissue. It is composed of fat-storage cells which can be seen under the skin and between the muscles, around the kidneys and heart, behind the eyeballs, and abdominal membranes. It helps as a sheet of protection, absorbing shock sustained by the tissue. It seals up space between organs and tissues. It also provides structural and metabolic support. Adipose tissue has a number of important functions. It is a source of energy and serves as a buffer, protecting our internal organs from trauma. This buffering is provided by visceral fat, which is fat enclosing our internal organs. Visceral fat can be helpful, but too much of it can be life threatening and increase risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also provides us with the thermal insulation needed to maintain our body temperature and may provide endocrine function like the production of the hormone leptin, which helps in the regulation of fat storage and body weight. Babies have a continuous layer of adipose tissue for protection while learning to walk, this thin as they develop into adolescence. The sheet gives them that plumb appearance. The sheet also help in insulating the body thereby keeping the essential body temperature at 37 degree centigrade. The three types of body system that will be considered are; the circulatory, respiratory and the digestive System These three systems interrelate for the completion of the body function. The circulatory and the respiratory systems collaborate to perform the gas exchange function. Gas exchange is very important, without the gas exchange the cells of the body will die, therefore it is very important for these systems to work together. The digestive system is tasked with the duty of bringing food into the body and breaking it down into protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fats, which the body needs for energy, growth, and repair. From the diagram below, digestion starts from the mouth, where we swallow our food and use our saliva, teeth and tongue to bite and chew it. The food then makes its way to the stomach through the esophagus, where powerful acids break it down even further into nutrients. These nutrients enter the bloodstream through tiny hair-like projections. Any residual wastes are stored in the rectum and ejected through the anus. The circulatory system is tasked with the duty of transporting blood all over the body. It is made up of the heart and blood vessels known as veins, arteries and capillaries. Let us visualize the blood vessels as the motorways of the body, bringing vital goods to and from the cells. In the circulatory system, blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs, so theyll get oxygen, and then pumped to the bodys cells. The respiratory system, take in oxygen through the lungs and the oxygen then mixes with the blood in the circulatory system and then it is transported as ox haemoglobin to the cells by the circulatory system. The circulatory system also transport the waste product carbon dioxide from the cells back to the respiratory system which expels it out of the body. Therefore, without the respiratory system, oxygen would not be able to enter the body and carbon dioxide would not be able to be expelled out of the body as waste. Also without the circulatory system, oxygen and carbon dioxide would not be able to transport round the body thereby keeping the cells of the body alive. The circulatory system interrelates with digestive system for a maximum heart rate. The digestive system produces nutrients that is needed by the cells of the body for proper metabolism. The circulatory system transports these nutrients produced by the digestive system through the body cells and also transport toxins that are harmful to the body out of the cells into the kidney to be destroyed and expelled out of the body. If the circulatory system fails to function the body systems will shut down causing damage to the organs of the body and finally causing death. Every system is important because without the function of one system the other system cannot function properly and therefore causing organ damage that would eventually lead to death.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

On A Successful Entrepreneur Essay

Introduction This is a research based on one of the most outstanding, successful and goal orientated entrepreneurs in my Drewsland, Miss Coral Parish who own Wholesale & Retail business in my opinion is a very successful business, which has grown considerably over the years. The business is located in Drewsland in water house, approximately two one hour drive from Stony Hill to water house. Miss Parish has portrayed in my honest opinion immaculate entrepreneurial skills, which has been the corner of their success over these years, and which will enable them to meet future challenges and goals with the Grace of god From my research, it is clear to me that they have within their selves’ entrepreneurial skills that only can be acquired through years of experience. This as led Miss Parish to be a groomed, calculated risk taker and a intelligent man, respectable entrepreneurs Acknowledgement I would like to thank first my friend for helping me and taking the time out of him busy schedule to help me to put together an accurate evaluation about Miss Parish Wholesale business. I would also like to thank my mother for assisting me while I was completing this evaluation, Mrs. Halyes for being so patient with me also whate and my late project for also encourage me to go an investigate the case study without much pressure, and almighty God for giving me the strength and understanding for completing this project. Background of the Entrepreneurs Miss. Coral June Parish was born in Kingston Jamaica on July 3, 1978 and was raised by her mother and father in the District of Water House. She attend the Drewsland Avenue Primary School were she spent 6 years after the 6 years she sat in the common entrance examination, where she successfully passed and was placed in a Pembroke Hall High school, and in 1992 she did six SSC which she successfully passed, while in high school she was in the Home and Family Management where see learn to cooking and baking. Miss Parish unfortunately did not attend a university, because her parents could not afford to send her to further her study, in her live she would perform odd jobs such as working in a food store with her mother. In the year of 1996 she then tries to open her business, which she by staring selling Bag Juice and sweets from within that moment until presently. In 1998 later on find a partner who was trying to open a grocery store, which they both collaborate and open. The grocery store started I operation with only a few food items that cost no more than fifty thousand dollars. After a few years the business developed considerably. Now they find out that the business going smoothly and is now hoping to open another business in another community within the next few months, which she said will also be successful. P.E.C.S that they have displayed They both started business with only food items and saving from miss Parish account, while Mr. Atkins uses his money from which he got from his then Member of is family, Mr. Robinson not knowing whether they might stand to loose or get a gain and a profit. In which they gain and which grow into a larger business. They started selling a few food items, which was in great demand by the members of the community not knowing whether they were going to make a profit or loss. Miss Parish plans to open a new store after seeing the demands of the goods needed by the members of the community so Miss Parish and David Atkins then planned to open the wholesale, which is now in existence satisfying the needs and demands of the member of the community. Miss Parish goods are mostly purchased from different enterprises, from which she purchase her snacks, baked products and juices which is delivered to the enterprise in the district of Waterhouse most the goods especially the juices are order on credit, she always try to pay off her credit in the prescribe time set by the suppliers, which they mostly give one week to pay the credit. The meats, tin foods and bag foods product such as rice, flour, sugar, cornmeal etc. items are purchase in the City of Down town Kingston She pays her employees on time and her bills whenever he receives them. Miss. Parish was selling cooked food on weekends, while Mr. Atkins would operate small shop with is supplies when they both come together create a plan to open a grocery shop. Which was a great plan to open the grocery shop, with good encouragement form their community members, the store is now satisfying the needs and want of the community members and the business is now becoming more and more successful day after day. They both, was confident in coming together to open the grocery shop and knowing that they were going to be successful. Their confidence was baked by positive action that was necessary for ensuring the grocery shop success. Miss Parish and Mr. Atkins both see the opportunity to open the grocery shop to satisfy the need and wants of the community members and opening the grocery shop they would be different from the other entrepreneur in the community by becoming the first to open a grocery in the community, so the see the opportunity and seize it with great pleasure and they get a great success. Both of the entrepreneur worked together to achieve one common goal, which is to ensure success of their business, but they do not do it by themselves, they have to persuade others who have larger grocery shop and supermarkets, to give them encouragement and give them steps to achieve there goal. The two associate they use for persuasion and networking are: Superplus food store in Pembroke hall, Master Mac Enterprise in Down Town Kingston, which are two large companies in the island of Jamaica, in their field of business for networking. Both entrepreneur see the opportunity to satisfy the needs and want of the community members and provide a solution to satisfy the community members problem, that’s why they both come together to open up the grocery shop. So try their very best provide high quality goods and service for their customers, so they try their best in selecting the right quality and good quantity of goods and making timely purchase and ensuring that they get the right vendors. History of the Enterprise The entrepreneur both have strong determination to overcome all obstacle that they meet. They are willing to work until their job done well and on time. They also try to be up-to-date with the products they sells and try to get the new products that arrive on the market so they are always trying to be competitive with larger entrepreneurs. They try to overcome all the challenges that face them each day, to try and be successful. Good and Services the business offers They both have a vision of where they want to go and they are trying each day to develop practical plans to reach there. Both entrepreneurs are setting clear goals and trying everything to achieve the goals to become very competitive in the grocery industry and to satisfy the need and want of there customer. Contribution they makes to the economy The business only started with only the basic food items like: rice, sugar, flour, cornmeal, tin foods and small amount of meat. In the first three years they make a profit of nearly $350,000 which they try and develop the business later on, which is becoming their greatest success. With that profit they expand on the business by purchasing more food products, small appliances and purchase a second container, because the business is expected to grow considerably in the coming years. P&A Wholesale & Retail is a small business; in the district OF DREWSALND the business was establish in the latter part of the year 1996 They both use the money from their first business to purchase the container and lease the land to operate the business. Mr. Atkins also gets a donation from then the Member of is Family to purchase cement, steel paint and other items to work on the container. Conclusion and recommendation The business sells food items such as Biscuits, which include Butterkist (cookies), Shirley (coconut cookies), and National (vanilla, strawberry, duplex). Pastries, which include Cheese Bread, cinnamon rolls, sugar bun, cheese crunches, double cheese, cheese curls, cheese cake, cheese trix, plantain chips, Frito-lay, cheese puffs, banana chips, corn pop, spice bun, wine cake, rum cake, bulla cake, American apples, oranges, ripe bananas, melon, plain cake, bread pudding, icing cake. The business also sells beverages such as cocoa cola, D&G soft drinks, tropical rhythms, swizzle, and small juices for the kids to carry out on trips and to school. , Lasco food drink (Strawberry, vanilla, carrot, chocolate, creamy malt), tang (mango carrot, orange, pineapple melon, cherry melon). The business also sells alcoholic beverages such as: Red Stripe Beer, Guinness, Heineken, Red Stripe Light, over proof Rum, Appleton and an array of other alcoholic beverages. School books, pencils, pens. They recently start selling bulk syrup, which is now doing well on the market. The business also sells butchered meat such as: beef, mutton, pork, cow skin, cow foot, chicken, chicken foot, different variety of fish, turkey neck and other wide range of meat. Questionnaires Both entrepreneurs sponsor community based events, such as family fun day, which is held every Boxing Day and a stage show which is held every other Saturday in the community. They provide food items, refreshments, and entertainment, for the fun day, while for the stage show; they give a donation of six crates of liquor, which will go towards the community development program. The entrepreneurs also put on their fun day in the month of August, by providing entertainment, food and dessert for the children and a dance session for the adults in the night which is usually free. â€Å"It is great giving back to the community and help developing the community†. They also try to help the elderly in the community, for example one of the senior’s house was destroy in hurricane Ivan, they sponsor the elder by building a one bedroom, for the elder to be comfortable and enjoy life. I conclude that with a little patience, self-confidence and a little persistence you can open your own business. I recommend that they register their business immediately with the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation or the Registrar Company, before furthering the business. Stony Hill Heart Academy Stony Hill P.O. KINGSTON 9 TEL #: 968-7488/9 Good morning/ afternoon I am Dirk Dillon a student at the Stony Hill HEART Academy, where I am pursuing a course in Data Operation as of September 4, 2007. I am gathering information in order to produce a profile of a successful entrepreneur. Would you be kind enough to allow me a few minutes while I administer a short amount of questionnaires? 1. What is your name? ________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the name of your business or your establishment? 3. Where is your business located? ________________________________________________________________ 4. What activities were you involved in while enrolled in school? 5. After school, what path did you take to better yourself?  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Were you previously employed before becoming an entrepreneur? Yes () No ( ) If yes, please state ___________________________________________________ 7. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Did you establish the business on your own or someone motivate you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What plan do you put in place to satisfy customers for quality and efficiency? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Your business today is the fulfillment of your goal? Yes No If Yes Please state ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What type of leadership style do you exhibit in your organization? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What new creativity (if any) did you bring to the business? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What are the products and or services does the business offers to customers? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Have you registered your business with the registrar of companies? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Censorship and New York Times

Ans1) Susan Jacoby was a journalist since the age of seventeen and she is well known for her feminist writings. Susan Jacoby was referred as a â€Å"First Amendment junkie† by some other women for her personal views concerning the censorship of pornography in society. She gestated that censorship of any kind against pornography was wrong. Susan Jacoby did not necessarily agree with pornography, but still she felt that its rights guaranteed under the First Amendment should not be excluded. She is not advocating for off seen material but she is worried even important and vital issue for women may be censored. It takes away the choice of the individual, when government steps in and censors something. This is what she believed as there is no such thing as an overdose of the First amendment. Ans2) Though writer talks about some feminists who try to censor pornography that appeals to some heterosexual adult male but, in last two paragraphs she discuss about the television and children. Yes, in my opinion second last paragraph about television and children are connected with Jacoby’s overall argument. This is because, she relates the feminist porn opponents. She also believes that pornography is more harmful to women then other forms of hate or offensive speech. She disqualifies the â€Å"kiddy porn† argument as kiddy porn being an issue of child abuse, not an issue of free speech. She argues that women’s reactions to the same nude pictures are as varied as the women themselves. A main argument made was that censoring of porn could lead to the censoring of other women’s issues. She is even worried that if these kinds of issues are ignored or considered as a part of first amendment, the serious issues of women, such as; rape and other vital issues of women could be censored. So, in my opinion, her argument is correct as all her arguments are related and a serious issue. Ans3) In final paragraph she has specified that she is amendment junkie, because she has written in second paragraph of her article that she was called first amendment junkie by her friends and even by some booklovers. At the mean time, some other women tagged Susan Jacoby as a First Amendment junkie for her personal views regarding the censorship of pornography in organization. Hence, her views and ideas along with some examples of involvements in her life, she admits that she is the first amendment junkie. Ans4) Susan Jacoby, the writer of the article first appeared in the New York Times magazine, doesn’t believe that First Amendment is applicable in all terms and conditions. Well, the First Amendment includes the right to freedom of press, assembly, speech, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances and implied rights of beliefs and association. She is against mainly the kid porn and pornography, she clarify that these stuffs shouldn’t be published or censored. Therefore, some of the feminists and readers believe that she is the First Amendment Junkie and as well as she is often exaggerating. Ans5) The First Amendment, best known for liberties and securities, bans the establishment of a state-supported church, requires the split of church and state, and guarantees freedom of adoration, of speech and the press, the rights of amiable assembly, association and petition. But this amendment does not permit racket pointless on the road or spreading false news about others in the society or even hurting and offending the member of the society and disturbing them without any reason. Hence, this amendment as inferred by Supreme Court today does not authorize unnecessary claims but only supports in related and necessary claims. Ans6 ) Jacoby in the ninth paragraph of her essay implies that, permitting prosecution of persons on obscenity charges will lead eventually to censorship of â€Å"open discussion† of important issues such as â€Å"rape, abortion, menstruation, contraception, etc†. Yes, her fears are convincing in my view. Censoring pornography is a real threat to women. This issue can slowly reach to the height where it can destroy many things. She relates her fear with some of her experiences as evidence. She says, when she was a kid, her parents would turn off the television if some adult scenes were being censored but now she shares the incident of a movie theater, where she saw a women taking her daughter to watch such movie. Therefore, she is worried about these issues and thinks these issues would be under-estimated some day. This can really be a serious problem and can be offensive along with harmful act for women’s.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cruel Intentions Film Review Essays

Cruel Intentions Film Review Essays Cruel Intentions Film Review Essay Cruel Intentions Film Review Essay Essay Topic: A Woman Killed With Kindness The film cruel Intentions, directed by John Hughes is a fast paced glimpse into the lives of the young new Yorkers whose entire existence revolves around power, sex and to some extent class A drugs. Hughes direction for the movie concentrates on those who prey on innocence and will stop at nothing to achieve their ambitions. The story focuses on Sebastian whose main intention in life is to sleep with and ruin the reputations of girls whom he labels Manhattans insipid debutants. Using his charisma, charm and vast wealth he manipulates whichever woman he wants as easily as a 12 year old manipulates Tetris pieces on his game boy. Sebastians raw good looks and style captures every room he enters not to mention the fact that he has no problem whatsoever wearing the threads of high quality Armarini outfits with such class prince William could take notes. Also his car gives a very high-class impression of him, as it is not common for someone who is still in high school to have such a rare, collectable and expensive car. How ever Sebastian holds a burning flame for his cunning stepsister Katherine, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar. She is well aware of this lust that Sebastian has for her and uses it to bate him into doing what ever she wants him to do. Gellar also plays her part to near perfection she plays a manipulative and seducing role, her performance totally make you forget that she is the nations favourite vampire slayer. She brings Katherine to life emphasizing her snobby accent and supposed kindness, when all the time she is secretly snorting Cocaine from her deceptive rosary that she wears around her neck. By being student body president and a school icon she gives potential students fake advice and deceivingly assure their mothers that they are in the best of hands at Manchester prep. The main story really starts to kick in when Sebastian finds what he sees as a challenge, in Annette Hargrove (Reese Witherspoon) the sweet virgin who takes pride in her purity. Sebastian is not only interested because of this, she also happens to be the daughter of the new headmaster at Manchester prep. She has moved to New York from Kansas to continue high school. Sebastian longs to seduce her as it would be his ultimate achievement and until now he has never failed to achieve his goal. When he tells Kathryn about this she doesnt think that even he can manage to sleep with her. Sebastian as confident as ever wants to prove her wrong and offers to place a bet on whether he can entice Annette in to bed, if Sebastian fails to do this he has to give his treasured 1956 Jaguar to Kathryn and if he successes he gets the one thing he could never have otherwise. a chance to sleep with Kathryn. As Sebastian moves in on his prey he finds that, although his intentions to start with at first we re deceitful, he is slowly falling in love with Annette. Little does he know it is this that will turn his life upside down and eventually prove fatal. It is not all so simple for Sebastian though as Annette has an overpowering negative attitude towards Sebastian, one that is obviously seen through as a secret lust for him and the immortal life he leads. This chemistry between them is hesitant at 1st,but the more they are together the more apparent it becomes. This may be connected to the fact that the 2 (Witherspoon and Philippe) are married in real life making it the almost perfect pair the play the parts. Witherspoon does have a flaw to her though, due to the fact that Hughes lets her be won so easily by the bad boy. To be a woman who has followed a particular honour code her entire life, she falls into the hands of the promiscuous Sebastian without even so much as a glimpse back into her old ways and long time boy friend Trevor who has respected her decision to remain a virgin all the way through there relationship. The movie has a very dramatic last 30 minutes. The drama starts when Sebastian inadvertently gets killed when he pushes Annette out the way of an oncoming car and gets hit by it himself. Sebastians death comes quite unexpectedly as he has been the main focus of the story all the way through and just as he has fallen in love and lost the invisibility he had earlier, he dies. The movie then finishes on a much happier note as every one finds out what Kathryn is really like at Sebastians funeral when his diary with all his plans, thoughts and schemes in is handed out just as Kathryn is making her speech. Which, yet again, is full of lies. Aside from a slightly happified ending, Cruel Intentions is an impressive movie. Solid dialogue, luscious characters that play their roles to a tee (perhaps with the exception of Witherspooon), great comic relief. I would recommend this movie for all those who have strong hearts or like to see a complex love story as it has all of the plotting and manipulation you could ask for but also in the end it has what turns out to be a heartbreaking love line.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Women in West, Africa, Asia essays

Women in West, Africa, Asia essays In many societies, women have had considerably less power than men. In Africa and Asia, examples were taken from both the Western democracies and communist republics, where women had won the rights to vote in the early and mid-twentieth century. Women had a better chance at education, better nutrition, and more equality in the West than in Africa and Asia. In Western Europe and America, women made gains in higher education, although complete equality was still out of reach, where as in Africa and Asia, women married early and spent their youth and middle-age years raising children, leaving little time for thought about education and careers. Because women were usually less educated, women often didnt vote, or voted for the party or candidate their husbands favored. Because of the continued male-dominance in Africa and Asia, life expectancy and the health of women was affected. In the 1970s, twenty percent of the female population of India was malnourished and another thirty percent had diets well below acceptable in the U.S. In Indian custom, women serve their husbands and sons and then eat the leftovers. In most industrialized countries, women outnumber men, but in India there are only 930 women for every 1000 men. Although women in Asia and Africa were given more rights, they were often ignored. Property and divorce laws were created in the West and in Africa and Asia, but oftentimes, Asian and African women didnt have the education or resources to exercise their rights. In Asia and Africa, women were less likely to be well fed, educated and equal to men than they were in the West. Factors such as religions and traditions were the main reasons for this. ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Human Resource Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Human Resource Management - Assignment Example It is a function that pervades all the steps in the organizational ladder, forms a vital part of every other management functions and covers all the employees. The individual, team, psychological, emotional and social perspectives of human behavior are taken into account under HRM. This functional area tries to achieve a fit between the organizations and their employees. It has to balance of the goals of individual employees, teams, organization and its obligations to the society at large. Building up the employees into competent resources by improving their capabilities, upgrading their skills and enhancing their efficiency; while providing them with proper training and development opportunities is also the aim of HRM. It is an ongoing operation of understanding human relations and behavior, and applying them to the daily functioning of the organization. The fact that people are to be managed makes HRM more challenging and dynamic, as human behavior is unique and unpredictable at ti mes. The purposes served by HRM can be stated under two heads – the managerial functions and operational functions. Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing and Controlling are the managerial functions, while procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance are the operational functions. Though the roles played by HRM in different organizations vary, the main actions performed under the function are: Human resource planning Job analysis and design Recruitment and selection Training and career development Compensation and benefits Motivation Maintenance Occupational health and safety 2. Strategic Human Resource Planning Human resource planning(HRP) is also known as manpower planning or employment planning. It is the primary task of HRM, as it involves assessments regarding the number and nature of employees that would be required to deal with the future level of operations of the organization. It involves forecasting the future human needs of the organizati on, in line with its future goals and projections. Decenzo and Robbins define human resource planning as the process by which an organization ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives (Ashwathappa, 2007). Such a preparation enables the organization to change and adjust to the demands of the market. Thus, it is a mode of change management. It also helps in meeting the legal regulations set by the Government. 2.1. HRP & Organisational Strategy Organisational strategy gives a picture of what the organization aims to portray itself along the timeline. HRP is directly linked to the type of organization and its strategic choices. This is so because HRP has to essentially follow the overall organizational plan and direction. The personnel requirements for product-based organizations are different from those involved i n service. The planning for HR depends on whether the firm strategizes to acquire new organizations or simply add to its internal capacity. New personnel are to be recruited if additional capacity is planned. In case of acquisition, capacity addition comes along with personnel. So, the planning is different. Alternatively, if the organization intends to cut or decrease production, HRP has to include redundancy and redeployment plans. At the same time, if the market poses limitations or shortage of manpower, the organization has to withhold its expansion plans. The status accorded to HR in the

Friday, November 1, 2019

History of Vitamins Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Vitamins - Term Paper Example form cities and spared the nomadic lifestyle in which they served as hunter gatherers, they started to grow crops and increase their knowledge of agriculture. The ancient Sumeria scribes soon noticed that one’s health is greatly affected by the food one consumes. The shaman priests of the preceding tribes were primarily aware of this fact already when the scribes of Sumeria began to unravel the nutritious secrets of food. However, the nutritious value of food was not studied in quite detail until the city states of Babylon and Mesopotamia took their turn. These states studied food and recorded the nutritious value of individual food components upon tablets made of clay. It is quite unfortunate that most of these early clay tablets have either not managed to survive over the course of centuries or else, have been covered up by tons of sands in the desert areas. People of the ancient Egypt new some foods that could be consumed with the intention of improving one’s vision in the night. Thus, it can be said that the history of vitamins had born long ago, but the original insights could not be maintained or improved over the centuries. Practical advances in the field of medicine and nutrition were made by the ancient Romans, Greeks as well as Arabs, but their knowledge to prevent the diseases from occurring was limited. They had placed their main emphasis upon the curing process only after the illness’s symptoms would begin to show up. The work of early herbalists was often looked at with immense suspicion and the preventive potions suggested by them were largely refuted by the public in general. Ancient people would think of the early herbalists as witches and wizards. People of Europe adopted an even more outrageous approach towards the herbalists because of the fact that the Church was in general not supportive of the discussion of science and would primarily think of it as extremely precarious blasphemy. Therefore, millions of people in need of vitamins of