
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Native Tribes

Cormac McCarthy’s â€Å"Blood Meridian† deals with racism in the form of The Judge’s attitude toward the orphans, the tangible efforts of the gang to be more savage, and even in the Kid’s role in the border skirmishes between the American settlers, the Native Americans and Mexicans living along the border. In a novel that some have called the greatest American novel since â€Å"Moby Dick†, McCarthy discusses racism on an inherent level, making people examine the historical context and the situation itself. Remarkably, the novel has a lasting appeal as a commentary on the way Americans address their southern neighbors even today.The first evidence of racism the book offers is in the Judge’s attitude towards the orphans. The Judge is a pedophile, raping the orphans and then killing them or having them killed to hide his indiscretion. In his mind, the Judge justifies his actions with the thought that many of the children in the orphanage are hal f-breeds and somehow therefore less important than people who are purely Caucasian. In his mind, the Judge and others who look after the orphans, even as wantonly as the Judge does, are doing their Christian duty and providing for children that are otherwise unwanted.In this way, the book takes a hard and accurate look at the racism that was prevalent in the West regarding children descended from Native Americans and Europeans. The children were dismissed by white society as half savage and by the Native populations because they often represented the humiliation of one of the women of the tribe—either voluntarily or involuntarily. To some extent, these children were more accepted in the Native populations when their parents were both accepted by the tribe, but even then they were mostly second class citizens.The next evidence of racism and its extreme application comes from the Gang. Though the gang is composed of outlaws of Caucasian and Native descent, as a means of instill ing terror in their victims, the gang resorts to scalping those they killed. As history demonstrates, only a very small number of Native Tribes took scalps as counting coup, but the stereotype of the novel and of the gang members was that Injun’s took scalps and that would make people more afraid of them. It is also interesting to note that primary targets of the gang were settlers coming up from Mexico or those of Hispanic descent.The stereotype that the Mexican were outlaws or lazy ot somehow second-class citizens is prevalent in the novel. Perhaps equally interesting in the long-term is the prejudice within the Hispanic/Mexican/Chicano community itself. Even now, those who are descendents of the Spanish Conquistadors are sometimes offended by being identified as Mexicans, whom they identify as those of mixed blood between the conquistadors and the Native American people of Central America. However, Chicanos in Southern California would be equally offended by being called a Hispanic as they take pride in their connection to Mexico.The fact that this racism persists to this day is both interesting and depressing at the same time. The simple reality of Cormac McCarthy’s novel is that it portrays an evil man attempting to justify his actions via racism and a gang of thugs using racism to make themselves seem bigger and badder than they are, when in truth murder should have been enough. McCarthy’s ability to capture the tenor and reality of the racism without pandering to it does make this a novel worth reading.

Friday, August 30, 2019

ELL Schools and Families Essay

The population of English Language Learners (ELL) are increasing in educational institutions primarily influenced by globalization and immigration. It has been projected that within the coming years, the percentage of children attending educational institutions in the country shall be non-English speakers. The term ELL is brought about by the shift in the English language-learning paradigm that represents the trend in language acquisition. (Bank Street) The increasing population of ELL’s are putting pressures on the educational atmosphere as educational institutions are forced to alter their curriculum to accommodate the needs and concerns of the learners. (Abedi, 2002) Integrating a program for ELL’s in the school setting is a great challenge for the educational institution, the teacher, the learner, and one’s family. Teaching non-English speakers who are not able to both understand and speak the language is more difficult than teaching English speakers the rules of the language are, for instance. Challenges include the need for educational institutions to implement a curriculum that fits the requirements of the ELL’s. Teachers, on the other hand need to be aware of the appropriate techniques and strategies that would be efficient in the success of language accommodation and acculturation. For learners, engaging in an unfamiliar environment is not motivating them to eagerly learn. (Mercuri, 2003) To address the problems and concerns that ELL’s face in the learning environment, society looks to the involvement of the family in order to strengthen the school as an institution that fully supports English language learners. (Collier & Thomas, 1999) Family involvement play a significant role during the learning process of ELL’s. According to a research conducted in order to determine guidelines that the No Child Left Behind Act shall implement, the involvement of family members to school activities such as programs that aims to promote development of academic standing and preparation for the next level of English language learning increases the chance of successes that a learner shall be able to accomplish. This is because families understand the needs and the difficulties of their children, and are also able to see their progress with regards to academics, pushing them to encourage, support, and value learning as an integral part of their children’s success. (Epstein, 2004) Moreover, it is the responsibility of the school to build a relationship with the family of the learner in order to inform them of the developmental stages and the changes that the children are going to experience, as they grow older. This particular knowledge gives families the idea of how to build a supportive home environment that boosts learning. This particular interaction between the school and the family allows the educational institution to understand the cultural background of families and determine their goals and objectives for their children when it comes to English language learning. (Epstein, 2004) Providing a supportive sociocultural environment is at the heart of tapping into the potential of ELL’s to benefit largely from the English language learning program. Interaction between the educational institution and the families contributes to this objective. Looking at their parents interact with the members of the educational institution motivates learners to build relationships with the institution as well, without any apprehensions as brought about by fear of cultural rejection. (Collier & Thomas, 1999) An article written by Rhona Barton for the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory discovers cases wherein active involvement of parents leads to academic success of the learners, especially in socially interacting within the school environment. (Barton, 2006) Educational institutions with English language learning programs do not necessarily implement the use of the English language at home, as decisions regarding the matter are based on cultural considerations. Schools should consider the importance of native language to ELL’s and their families. However, the continued use of English at home and the support of the family when it comes to home language speeds up the learning process, schools still acknowledge that the ELL’s are aware of language learning based on their knowledge of their native language. (Ortiz, 2001) Schools should also provide alternatives for families in order for them to adjust or cope with the changes that ELL affects within their family life. Schools should inform them of educational options such as tutorial services that are made available at home or in schools, support groups within the community that assists families in their needs and concerns regarding the issue of English language learning. Family counseling is also an option as it allows medical professionals to help in determining problems or obstacles that the family shall be facing, and strengthening family relationships in order to withstand the challenges of immersing into a community and cultural environment that they are not familiar with. For specific problems such as financial aspect of English language learning, the federal government entitles families to funding as authorized by the federal Title I funding program. (Ortiz, 2001) Partnership of educational institutions with families are best established through communication and social interaction. Schools should be able to develop and maintain a stable relationship with the families that is primarily grounded on the objective of affecting learning and making ELL’s experience success within the unfamiliar learning environment. Moreover, through this, schools are enriched and enlightened with the knowledge of different cultural backgrounds within the school environment and be able to modify the learning atmosphere to fit the culture, beliefs, and traditions of non-English speakers. Teachers should be able to communicate the needs and concerns of ELL’s to their families, in order for them to understand how they are going accommodate the needs of their children who are involved in English language learning. Schools should establish regular meetings with the teachers, and ask them to get involved with programs and school activities that harness English language learning and support the need of their children to learn the English language. If possible, home visitations are one of the best ways to establish a strong foundation of relationship between the school and the families. (Barton, 2006) References Abedia, J. (2002). â€Å"Assessment and Accommodation of English Language: Issues, Concerns, and Recommendations. † Retrieved May 1, 2008, from NCA Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. Website: http://www. ncacasi. org/jsi/2002v3i1/assessment Bank Street. (2008). â€Å"English Language Learners: Working with Children Whom English is a New Language. † Retrieved May 1, 2008, from Bank Street. Website: http://www. bnkst. edu/literacyguide/ell. html Barton, R. (2006). â€Å"Forging Family Ties. † Retrieved May 2, 2008, from Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Website: http://www. nwrel. org/nwedu/11-03/forge/ Collier, V. P. & Thomas, W. P. (1999). â€Å"Making U. S. Schools Effective for English Language Learners, Part 3. † TESOL Matters, Vol. 9, No. 6. Retrieved May 1, 2008, from TESOL. Website: http://www. tesol. org/s_tesol/sec_document. asp? CID=196&DID=826 Epstein, J. (2004). â€Å"Meeting NCLB Requirements for Family Involvement. † Middle Ground, Vol. 4, No. 3. Retrieved May 1, 2008, from National Middle School Association. Website: http://www. nmsa. org/portals/0/pdf/publications/On_Target/family_involvement/family_9. pdf Mercuri, S. (2003). â€Å"Helping Middle and High School Age English Language Learners Achieve Academic Success. † NABE Journal of Research and Practice. Retrieved May 1, 2008. Website: http://www. uc. edu/njrp/pdfs/freeman. pdf Ortiz, A. (2001). â€Å"English Language Learners With Special Needs: Effective Instructional Strategies. † Retrieved May 2, 2008, from CAL. Website:

Book Reflection : The Book Of Negroes

It's 1802 and Aminata Diallo, now an old woman, sits down to write her life story at the request of the Abolitionists in London. Abducted from her village in West Africa at the age of eleven and marched in a coffle (a string of slaves) for three months before reaching the coast, Aminata survives the voyage to America and ends up sold to an indigo plantation owner in South Carolina. She describes herself as lucky, because compared to the tragic circumstances and end of so many other black slaves, Aminata manages to survive using her wits, her skills as a midwife, her ability to pick up new skills quickly, and her strength of character.She witnesses many horrors and sorrows, and experiences them as well, that make her ponder the human nature and the hypocrisy of religions, even her own. Yet through it all surprisingly she does not succumb to anger or hatred; she wants only to be together with her husband, Chekura, their children, who are all taken from her and her homeland.When Britain surrenders to the rebels they keep their promise to the Black Loyalists – in a way. With a certificate proving they have worked behind British lines for at least a year, they can sign their name in the Book of Negroes and be given passage to a British colony. Most are sent to Nova Scotia, including Aminata. She may have escaped the American slave owners but she hasn't escaped the prejudice, fear and hatred with which the blacks face everywhere they go. The opportunity to return to Africa – the dream she's always had – comes her way, but if she ever wants to see her home village of Bayo again she'll have to make a deal with the devil.out of all the books I have read about slavery this novel is by far the greatest. This book is going straight onto my â€Å"favourites† list. The Book of Negroes is a powerful story on many fronts: it's a very human story, sympathetic, honest, fair to the greys of history, thought-provoking, poignant.One of the beautiful thin gs about this book is how, as a reader, you feel more in tune with the Africans, while the whites seem strange, alien, bewildering, contradictory. I don't mean that Hill paints an uneven picture – far from it, the rendering of history into something visceral, tangible, grants perspective and context. It's not a simple matter of â€Å"white man, bad; black man, victim†. That's what I mean by this book being honest: honest about human nature, about the complexities of history, without making excuses for anyone of any colour. I don't mean that there weren't characters who enrage you, but that they are presented relatively free of the taint of presentism.If you're not familiar with the term, â€Å"presentism† refers to our natural tendency to judge history through the lens of the present, by our own modern standards, rather than acknowledging and positioning things within a historical perspective. Hill has done an admirable job of completely immersing us in the 18th century, creating a protagonist who is a product of the time as much as one of circumstance.Hill has managed to write a convincing, wonderful female protagonist – frankly, not many male writers are this successful. Aminata is unflinchingly honest with herself and others, and by being so thoroughly in her head, she gives us what the Africans needed most during slavery: a voice, the understanding that she's just like us, not some black beast from darkest Africa – heathen, barbarian, uncivilised. As in some other books, the irony comes through clearly: which is the uncivilised race? Who is the barbarian? When Aminata arrives in London, the first thing she sees are the legless beggars on the street, the filth and crowds and pretensions. She doesn't even need to say anything.Another irony is the rebellion in the American colony – Aminata is in New York when things get nasty, and constantly hears the white Americans talking about being slaves to the British, and figh ting for their freedom. Aminata doesn't need to point out anything here, and I don't think I do either.Her own people don't come off smelling of roses either. The book is thoroughly researched and historically accurate, and makes no bones about Africans enslaving each other well before the white people came, and it is  Africans who capture Aminata, kill her parents, torch her village, and sell her to the white slavers. Slavery has a long, long history, and no race, it seems, is exempt. The Egyptians did it, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Israelites were famously enslaved, the Romans are guilty – and what is feudalism if not a form of slavery, which the English and French and others used for a very long time?If nothing else, this book highlights the fact that, no matter what colour you are or what your diet is, we are all human and share this intangible thing called human nature. Cruelty exists everywhere, and cannot be simply attributed to your race, though neither can it b e excused. This is why I insist that the history of black slavery – while it existed predominantly between the British slaving companies and the Americas – is everyone's history. For a comprehensive story covering three different continents and exposing many of the situations black slaves, runaways and freed slaves faced, you can't go wrong with this one.It's also beautifully written. Aminata has a simple, honest style, without embellishment or fanciful detail. She rarely passes judgement, but offers her own thoughts and perspective subtly. She is captured just before reaching puberty and so, ironically, escapes female circumcision, which her people practised (removing the clitoris and part of the labia, and sewing up the vaginal entrance – extraordinarily painful and meant to make a woman â€Å"pure† for her husband – Aminata isn't keen but doesn't judge; I on the other hand believe it is the cruellest form of torture you can do to a woman and the re's no excuse for it. It's an old African tradition, nothing to do with Islam, and still occurs in some places like Ethiopia).There are moments of violence and cruelty, because that was largely the life of the black slaves, but while Aminata doesn't gloss over them, neither does she dwell on them in such detail that you shy away from the book.I was walking one day behind a yoked man who swerved without warning to the left. I had no time to react, and my foot sank into something wet and soft. Something like a twig cracked under my heel. I let out a scream. Under my  foot was the body of a naked, decomposing man. I jumped away and ripped leaves from the nearest branch. In a frenzy, I wiped a mass of wriggling white worms from my ankle. I was shaking and wheezing. Fanta took the leaves and wiped my foot and held me and told me not to be afraid. But my hysteria escalated, even though Fanta barked at me to calm down, and I could not stop screaming. (p41)For all that Aminata and other slaves go through, she deserves the right to tell her whole story and not shy from the unpleasant details, or have her account censored. Remember her audience: white, genteel 19th century English men and women, the Abolitionist committee, the court of law, the common people who can read the newspapers in which parts of her story are published. It is the early 1800s, Regency London – the same time and place in which we love to read carefree romance novels that are free of the taint of black slavery – and the English have no real idea or any sympathy for what the black slaves endured. She argued to be the one to write her own story, by herself, and she refused to let the Abolitionists remove details that â€Å"couldn't be proven†. Even though she is a fictional character in a fictional account, she deserves to be heard by us as well.There's one other thing I just have to mention: the evolution of the African-American dialect. I've come to appreciate it because of this book. I mean, I always understood that it was their way of forming a new identity, one that couldn't be taken away from them, even now. But as they learnt English, as slaves, what would happen if they spoke like their masters? Aminata learns this, she learns the dialect that the slaves speak to each other, and the grammatically stronger but far from perfect English they use with the white people.They needed a way to speak to each other without the whites understanding, yet they all came from different African tribes speaking one of thousands of African languages, or they were born on plantations and don't know any African languages at all, and so they devise their own way of speaking, close to English but entirely of their own creation. After Aminata escapes slavery, she drops this dialect and speaks â€Å"proper† English, but I get the sense it is due to her ability to learn languages quickly and well, and her desire not to be looked down upon,  rather than a form of pretension. It certainly makes her a bit of a curiosity with the white people.The Book of Negroes is a masterpiece of historical literature, capturing the contradictions of the human condition in graceful, honest prose, and gifting us with a new, entirely sympathetic protagonist.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How people do things that are not suppost to do Essay

How people do things that are not suppost to do - Essay Example Not only does the apparently unmotivated take on motive; perversely, we become visitors to a prison rather than readers of a philosophical discourse:† â€Å"The speaker denies his madness by calling himself a victim of the principle he has outlined. Yet his language hovers between calculation and illogic. The narrator explains "why I am here . . . wearing these fetters" by reference to a cause that is only a perverse absence of cause. From the standpoint of realistic representation, the perverse narrator betrays his deviance through linguistic peculiarities. â€Å" â€Å"†¦he assumes an understanding of what he has not yet explained. Both fictional speakers break accepted conventions by employing the definite article, where "the idea" and "the murder" have not been previously explicated. If we read these narrators as mimetic characters, their linguistic deviations may be signs of defective mental processes.† â€Å"A rhetorical moment takes the place of all ghosts, when "the imp of the perverse" drives the speaker to confess. "The rabble" would understand his behavior as a symptom of madness, but his perversity turns out to be a reflex inherent in words.† â€Å"The narrator is a man in crisis. His drinking has pushed him to the point where he is capable of violence, even against a wife who, although patient and long-suffering, is incapable of helping her husband. The two cats in this story remind him of better days, before the narrator’s alcoholism produced in his personality â€Å"a radical alteration for the worst† (598). But his substance abuse has provided him with at least one insight. He has learned that â€Å"the spirit of PERVERSENESS,† the self’s â€Å"unfathomable longing to vex itself—to offer violence to its own nature,† is a fundamental aspect of â€Å"the character of Man†Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"The narrator’s alcoholism, his propensity for violent behavior, his acute isolation, and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Essay Example The "four buildings" that did not collapse instantaneously sustained extensive damage from the rubbles and were finally demolished. At the same time, a different grouping of the same terrorist crashed "American Airlines Flight 77" into the "Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia" (Cable News Network, 2006). The fourth Airline, United Airline Flight 93, crashed into a field near the "town of Shankville in Somerset County, Pennsylvania" (Cable News Network, 2006). Besides the "nineteen hijackers" in the four separate incidences, "two thousand nine hundred and four" other individuals died immediately due to the direct attacks (Cable News Network, 2006). Moreover, the death of not less than one person was reported as a result of the "exposure to the dust" that resulted from the World Trade Centre. Moreover, another twenty persons are missing and assumed dead (Cable News Network, 2007). According to National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, chapter 5, the victims of this incidence were mo stly civilians. According to National Institute of Standards and Technology (2005) som... One building collapsed as a result of the impact of the rubble from the "twin towers" (National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 2004). The terrorists took control of the airplanes using "box-cutter knives and knives" where they killed flight attendants, pilot and the passenger s (National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 2004). They used "tear gas" or "pepper spray" to keep passengers out of the "first-class" cabin (Mike, 2004). Bomb threats were made on three of the aircraft, but not on American 77. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the 'bombs" were probably fake. The 9/11 Commission further established that two of the hijackers had recently purchased "multi-function hand tools." The media as well as individuals gave "contradictory and unconfirmed" information (Michael, 2006). Out of the "two thousand nine hundred and seventy four" fatalities, 246 were aboard the plane, 125 were at the pentagon and 2, 603 were from New York. (Cable News Network, 2006). The 9/11 Commission reported that hundreds were killed instantaneously by the impact while others were trapped in the towers and died after it collapsed. According to the commission, about "eighteen people" managed to escape form the tower before it collapsed. Some people jumped from the "burning towers" and landed on the streets and rooftops of adjoining building many feet below (Dennis and Moore, 2002). Moreover, some people in the tower climbed to the roof in hope of rescue but there were no plan for a helicopter rescue. The doors leading to the roof were locked and severe heat as well as thick smoke engulfed the whole area such that it would have been impossible for a "helicopter to land" (CBS, 2004).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Delinguent Youth Subcultures Gangs Research Paper

Delinguent Youth Subcultures Gangs - Research Paper Example Historical Overview Unlawful and criminal subcultures have a long history in industrialized populations. Some experts purports that the dawning of adolescent subcultures, including the delinquent varieties, occurred in the sixteenth century when humongous social changes took place. While others believe that the advent of Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe, which left countless people unemployed and impoverished and disturbed families and communities, gave rise to the criminal tendencies of people, especially of the youth. These ‘dangerous sectors’ of society roamed the countryside and victimized travelers in order to survive, and eventually settled in metropolitan areas -- still subsisting on whatever means available, including theft, robbery and extortion (Cressey, 1983). In the United States, however, there is no certainty as to the exact time when youth gangs appeared. The earliest record confirming their existence traces back to 1783, when the American Revolution ended. Allegedly, these delinquent youths surfaced in a time when the urban conditions of the country overwhelmed them. Meanwhile, other investigators deemed that youth gangs originally came forth after the Mexican Revolution in 1813, when massive Mexican migrations to the Southwest happened. The young members of these new settlers, as hypothesized, might have experienced many difficulties in adjusting to the American way of life, notwithstanding their extreme poverty (Klein, 1995). The Baby Boom, following the Second World War, and the heightened affluence of young people during the Post-World War II economic prosperity of the US combined to fashion a great youth market with economic power who started to create its own identity and groups. At the same period, the young were spending more time in school and their mothers who joined the labor force were away from home, hence parenting and child discipline were somehow neglected. These circumstances of social chan ge, including the strong influence of media, brought about the subculture of young delinquents (Schwartz, 1987). Youth gangs in the United States during the early 19th century were primarily composed of Irish, Italian and Jewish ethnic groups, alongside the Hispanics (Sante, 1991). But in the 1950s, Chinese youth gangs proliferated exponentially. Chin (1996) traced its development to ancient secret society and Triad traditions back to China. As political castaways who were disfavored and alienated in the Asian nation, these US immigrants formed clandestine assemblies and activities such as gambling, prostitution and drug-trafficking. Rivalry among this disintegrated secret society led to violence, while inherent competition and discrimination against its American-born and other ethnic counterparts more often than not resulted in riots, if not heinous crimes (Chin, 1996). Theoretical Underpinnings Although there is no absolute and universally-accepted definition of youth gangs, it is the general consensus of scholars that they are groups whose members meet regularly and whose membership is group-selected based on certain group-defined criteria (Short & Hughes, 2006). Furthermore, they are mostly consisting of a sectoral group who share common identity, values and tradition. Youth who belong to gangs range from ages 12 to 24 (Franzese,

Monday, August 26, 2019

DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS - Assignment Example The descriptive statistics from the findings can be essential to decision making too. The descriptive statistics in this study is obtained by administering the Nursing Research Self-Efficacy measure pre and post the learning period. Then the raw data is collected. A paired sample statistics was performed on the data in connection with the number of correctly answered questions before and after the course was administered. In nursing students Self-Efficacy, the average score of 42 partakers increased from 7.33 to 8.452 while the variability goes up from 1.380 to 1.4177. Even in further subscales descriptive statistics show that the average score increases each time after administering the course, however, the standard deviation decreases marginally (Swenson-Britt & Reineck, 2009, p. 458-460) The descriptive analysis from the above measures of central tendency suggests that, after the learning content was provided to the nurses, there was an improved research self-efficacy of practicing nurses (Swenson-Britt & Reineck, 2009, p.461). Effectively, nurses that undergo continuous education on new health findings can be in a better position to make decisions in their career. Every professional can always relate to descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing regarding current issues in their industry. For example, as a student, I mostly use the mean, median and mode to describe the central position of my numerical or grouped data while I use variance/standard deviation to know how my data is spread out. Swenson-Britt, E., & Reineck, C. (January 01, 2009). Research education for clinical nurses: a pilot study to determine research self-efficacy in critical care nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40, 10,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Multi-Cultural Law Enforcement Definition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multi-Cultural Law Enforcement Definition - Essay Example For instance, an African man who moves to live in Europe starts to acquire the characteristics of Europeans. Bias refers to ‘unfair’ judgment. A biased person acts in favor of one side. It is therefore a tendency of a person to depict inclination, usually towards the unexpected side. E.g. a European employer gives a job to a fellow European at the expense of people from other nationalities, not by merit but origin. Culture refers to the standards associated with a given society, and which has distinct attributes which can help in uniquely identifying the members of the society. E.g. the African culture, which identifies people of African origin. The dominant culture refers to the culture that has highest number of members, as compared to the other culture. Thus, a dominant culture is the one that forms the highest population percentage. E.g. the dominant culture in America is that of the whites. Ethnocentrism refers to the belief that, one’s ethnic group is better than the others. For this reason, the person judges the other ethnic groups on basis of his own ethnic group. For example, an American judges African culture based on the standards of his ethnic group. It refers to a preconceived opinion by a person who doesn’t base on any reasoning. The person has a negative feel against the other. E.g. a negative comment from a lecturer to an African student, whereby the lecturer has a perception that Africans can never have anything worthwhile. It is a behavior, through which a group or a person is singled out from a group for unmerited negative treatment (Stafford, 1977). For example, a black person is isolated from whites and beaten up for no reasons. Zagefka, H., Gonzà ¡lez, R., & Brown, R. (2011). How minority members perceptions of majority members acculturation preferences shape minority members own acculturation preferences: Evidence from Chile.  British Journal Of Social Psychology,  50(2), 216-233. doi:10.1348/014466610x512211 There exist

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Movie City Hall Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

City Hall - Movie Review Example Perhaps the most famed political leader, when it comes to idealism of purpose, was Cincinnatus. Long before the days when Rome was a far-flung empire, it was a republic clinging to the underbelly of what would be Western Europe. When the Aequi and Volscian tribes began to threaten Rome from the east in 458 B.C., the citizens begged Cincinnatus to take over dictatorial powers and vanquish the threat. He did so, in a mere sixteen days, and then immediately resigned his position of power, returning to his farm. This example of knowing when to yield power was cited by George Washington, after he stepped down after two terms as the first President of the United States ("Cincinnatus"). City Hall, directed by Harold Becker, is just one of a long line of works in American literature and cinema that analyze the slow erosion of an idealistic leader's credibility. One of the first works on this theme was Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men, a scantily fictionalized look at the life of Louisiana's Huey Long. Willie Stark, who is Penn Warren's slightly larger-than-life Huey Long figure, and John Pappas, New York's mayor in City Hall, are two men who have risen to their current power using a similar dichotomy of private and public positioning: outwardly, both men have ridden a populist wave of sentiment to their current posts; inwardly, both men have incurred debts to the corrupt powers that control much of politics, and both ultimately have a price to pay. Both men are closely followed by idealistic staffers - Willie Stark is followed by the aptly named Jack Burden, while John Pappas is followed by Kevin Calhoun. Both of these men have bought into the message that th eir respective leaders have broadcast to the masses, and both men fervently believe in the men for whom they work. By the end of both stories, both men are disillusioned as to the true nature, and the true source, of political power. The contradictions that revolve around political power primarily have to do with the definition and application of duty. The existence of a "duty triangle" has been asserted, in that, over time, three major approaches to classifying ethical thought have arisen, and these approaches are based on virtue, principle, or consequences. In other words, people make their ethical decisions based on one (or more) of these three ideas. When one considers political leaders, it would be difficult to leave both virtue and principle out of the equation: after all, the lower rungs of political service are not sufficiently lucrative for a purely utilitarian individual to find the situation attractive. There has to be some idealistic motive behind entry into public service, even if, after time, that idealism is worn away and replaced by a jaded faade. The idea of virtue finds definitions for ethical conduct in the behaviors and qualities of the good individual. The idea of principle suggests that uni versal principles can be used to make ethical decisions. These two are very similar; however, the key difference is that the virtue-based definition uses individuals as its orientation, while the principle-based definition uses a broader base of precedent as its orientation. The idea of consequences looks at the outcomes of actions and uses those outcomes to determine whether or not an action is right or wrong - this is often called a utilitarian

Friday, August 23, 2019

Project Risk and Procurement Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Risk and Procurement Management - Essay Example The study investigates global catalogue facility in IBM that supports strategies aimed at offering IBM innovative catalogue solution for indirect purchases while supporting all teams in need of catalogue functionality. Issue at hand Procurement teams face challenges as well as opportunities from the increased competition, accelerated globalization and growth of services as essential differentiators in the marketplace, it is essential for organizations have to reassess their prevailing strategy and constantly validate its efficiency based on current and expected future business environment. At the core of IBM’s integrated supply chain is its global procurement’s value coming from its people and technologies that secure goods as well as service in support of internal partners and external clients in development and delivery of quality products and offerings (Williams, Lueg & LeMay 2008). IBM’s global supply chain involves a large number of suppliers is used to addr ess every product and service offering the company produces. Devising supply chain of this dimension and complexity while attaining end-to-end perceptibility and total incorporation is not a small task. Collaboration with suppliers and business partners remains crucial for the company in today’s business because it enables communication in the supply chain and ensures that suppliers are agile and responsive. Currently, the company’s supply chain is complex and functions much like a multi-point network configuration with movement of goods, processes and communications essential to the network (Baraldi 2008). Concept of supply chain management Supply chain management in the past few decades became extremely essential to companies operating in the competitive global marketplace. Although there are many definitions on the concept of supply chain, supply chain entails the context in which goods, services and information flow from the supplier to the end user; however, in re cent past supply chain expanded to include flow in the opposite direction. Therefore, supply chain management entail effective and efficient supervision of the supply chain and relationships between parties taking place in the chain. The significance of supply chain management is often associated with benefits it offers to organizations in the chain because it offer benefits like decreased costs, boosts revenue, increases satisfaction in customers and improves delivery and product or service quality. The benefits arise from various factors associated with supply chain management like information sharing, coordination and the resulting synergies between organizations (Baltacioglu, Ada, Kaplan, Yurt & Kaplan 2007). Moreover, through supply chain management, market data needs can efficiently be monitored and changing consumer needs and demands can easily be accessed and satisfied through proper production processes. As well, providing the right products and services at the right time a nd location offers customer satisfaction, and this potentially increases sales and revenue. Supply chain is essential considering that in the current global market it is impossible

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Science and Culture of the Sea Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Science and Culture of the Sea - Assignment Example Nowadays, most people are not as afraid of seafaring as they might have been in the mid-19th century. Without the aid of deep underwater equipment and scuba diving, there was really no way—back then—to know exactly what the deep dark sea did consist of exactly. This scared many people away from the water. However, there were a certain brave few who weathered the elements because they were so curious as to how the sea operated, even though the sea was considered a strange animal. There were â€Å"strange forms in the water†¦[and] sea-ravens†¦therefore fit roosting-place for their homeless selves. And heaved and heaved still unrestingly heaved the black sea, as if its vast tides were a conscience; and the great mundane soul was in anguish and remorse for the long sin and suffering it had bred.†1 Additionally, over time—but especially in Melville’s book—a case has been made that there is something very sacred about the sea which perhaps, he writes—lives within all of us. â€Å"Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began. Consider all this; and then turn to this green, gentle, and most docile earth; consider them both, the sea and the land, and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself?†2 Melville makes us attempt to draw a comparison between the sea and land and our respective souls. Where is it dry? What does the stability of land provide, and what do we give up when we go out to sea? In exchange for a salty, untamed coexistence, the sea beckons even as it threatens to revolt against its seafarers. Yes, it is the sea, that most wild of all natural elements, that nurtures, destroys. It is this sea inside (the mind) which Melville seeks to draw out, as he continues to dazzle readers with his linguistically rich and metaphorical prose. III. Deductions About Accurate and Inaccu rate Science in Moby Dick (450 words) Of course, water cannot be like air, which is apparent to everyone except the speaker here, even if only in jest, when he says, â€Å"Methinks that in looking at things spiritual, we are too much like oysters observing the sun through the water, and thinking that thick water the thinnest of air. Methinks my body is but the lees of my better being. In fact, take my body who will take it I say, it is not me.†3 These are not the only examples of historically scientific references—most of which were indeed accurate.

The Bane of Living in the Cities Essay Example for Free

The Bane of Living in the Cities Essay When we discuss about living in big cities or small towns, different people have different point of view. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. From my personal opinion, big cities have more advantages as compared to small towns, which I quiet disagree with the topic. There are three points I would like to highlight here on why I said living in big cities brings more benefits. Firstly, big cities have far better quality education from lower to higher education. What I am trying to emphasize here is big cities can provide us with modern and adequate academic environment which I find it is very important as education is the key for success in the future career. Therefore, students in big cities can get several benefits from the modern education offered such as multimedia teaching, electronic library and also internet. see more:advantage and disadvantage of living in the city By contrast, those who are living in small towns cannot take the opportunity as much as in big cities because there are not enough modern facilities provided in small towns. Secondly, we can see that more and more people especially the young people migrate to big cities because they see many opportunities in employment. As we all know, most of the local and international companies are situated in big cities so there are many places that they can work as opposed to small towns. Consequently, they have bigger chances in achieving their dreamed career and also pursue in what they like. In addition to this, most of the jobs offered in big cities have bigger salaries so that is why it is one of the attractions for the young people to live in big cities. Last but not least, people live in big cities can enjoy several entertainments and closer to better services like hospitals. To illustrate, in big cities there are many shopping centers, entertainment parks and also many of the international events are held here. We can enjoy our quality time with our family in the entertainment parks but not for those who live in small towns because there is no such thing there. Furthermore, hospitals are nearer to you in big cities and the services offered are better compared to hospitals in small towns as they are fully equipped with modern equipments and also most of the specialists work there, It is true that despite these benefits of living in big cities, there are certain disadvantages to it. However, when compared both, I tend to see the advantages outweigh the disadvantages so that is why I am more on living in big cities. In a nutshell, no matter where we live it depends on an individual to make the decision to continue living your life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Las Vegas Hotel And Casino Industry Tourism Essay

The Las Vegas Hotel And Casino Industry Tourism Essay Commercial Casino Industry has been occurring in United States over 75 years since Nevada legalizing it. When Chef Wolfgang initiated to out fine dining restaurant in commercial casino, this is the beginning of food and beverage revolution in industry in 1992. In 1995, American Gaming Association was created. MGM Mirage acquired Mandalay Resort Group, Harrahs Entertainment Inc. and Caesar Entertainment in 2005 and the commercial casino industry started booming and other states started legalize opening casinos since then. The international gaming industry is expanding. Many U.S. casino companies expanded or planned to expand to other countries such as Macao, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. The international casino industry tends to have rapidly growth as gross gaming revenue in Macao has been more than gross gaming revenue in Las Vegas strip since 2006. Know your enemy and know yourself, and in a hundred battles you will never be defeated. (Sun Tzus The Art of War Writings). This Chinese wisdom of warfare probably helps companies deploy a better strategy in many business situations. The MGM Mirage Inc. is the largest company in the Hotel and Casio industry by revenue in the U.S., but MGM financial statement showed that company bottom-line in debt. The company was facing bankruptcy code in the early 2010. In this project, the report had been organized and presented MGM Mirage Inc. or MGM Resorts International in 4W framework: (1) Who are we? (Company profile, Hotel and Casino industry profile), (2) Where are we? (Sophisticated tools in Management, Technology, Marketing, Financial and Accounting were used to analyze the company position with competitor in the industry.), (3)What are problems? (SWOT analysis) and (4) What are solutions? Who are we? : Know yourself MGM History The Beginning of Las Vegas Race: 2005: MGM Merged Mandalay Bay Group. MGM Profile in 2009 Organization Structure Company Strategy The MGM Mirage Inc. strategy is to generate sustainable, profitable growth by creating and maintaining competitive advantages and through the execution of our business plan, which is focused on: Owning, developing, operating and strategically investing in a strong portfolio of resorts; Operating our resorts in a manner that emphasizes the delivery of excellent customer service with the goal of maximizing revenue and profit; and Leveraging our strong brands and taking advantage of significant management experience and expertise. (Source: MGM Mirage 2010 Form 10-K) Current Operation As of 2009, the MGM Mirage reported that the company has completed control of 14 casino resorts and hold 50% of investment in 5 casino resorts. In addition, the MGM Mirage also owned 3 golf courses in Las Vegas, Mississippi and California.(Source: MGM Mirage 2010 Form 10-K) Casio Resort ( Completely owned) Nevada MGM Grand Las Vegas Mandalay Bay The Mirage Excalibur Monte Carlo Railroad Pass, Henderson Gold Strike, Jean Luxor Bellagio New York New York Circus Circus Las Vegas Other MGM Grand Detroit Beau Rivage , Biloxi, Mississippi Gold Strike Tunica ,Mississippi Casio Resort ( hold 50% in stock) Nevada City Center (Joint Venture with Dubai World) Circus Circus Reno Siler Legacy Other Borgata, Atlantic City, NJ Gran Victoia , Elgin, IL MGM Grand Macau, China Industry Analysis Industry Analysis process is an essential assessment tools for every company to deeply understand industry current trends and opportunities. In fact, company will gain a better position and achieve a competitive advantage when it truly understanding marketplace. In the complex marketplace, the U.S. government is categorized industry with 4-digits Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. In addition to SIC, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a new standard for the industry. The NAICS with 6-digits code contains more details than the SIC system. The purpose of SIC and NAICS are economy analysis. The MGM Mirage Inc. has been classified with SIC into three major categories: Hotels and Motels (SIC 7011), Coin-Operated Amusement Devices (SIC 7993) and Amusement and Recreation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (SIC 7999). In addition, the MGM Mirage inc. also has been classified with NAICS into two categories: All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries and Hotels (except Casino Hotels) (713990) and Motels (721110). To thoroughly understand MGM Mirage Inc. marketplace, the hotel industry and casino industry had been analyzed. Hotels and Motels Industry (SIC 7011) The U.S. government defined a company in Hotels and Motels Industry as Commercial establishments, known to the public as hotels, motor hotels, motels, or tourist courts, primarily engaged in providing lodging, or lodging and meals, for the general public. Hotels which are operated by membership organizations and open to the general public are included in this industry. Hotels operated by organizations for their members only are classified in Industry 7041. Apartment hotels are classified in Real Estate, Industry 6513; rooming and boarding houses are classified in Industry 7021; and sporting and recreational camps are classified in Industry 7032. Recession impacts hotel industry In May 2010, Standard Poors industry report stated the hotel industry is still in an unstable condition. The industry will require a longer period to recover from the 2008 recession. Currently, the industry is operating in a difficult situation. The hotel industry is facing drastic competition that forces hotel businesses to lower room rates, which in turn results in lower profit. Figure 1: Hotel Industry Fact Sheet 2001 Forecast 2011 The data from Smith Travel Research (STR) Inc. indicated that on average the hotel industry has lost its Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) since 2008. The 2008 recession has also brought the hotel occupancy rate down from 60% to 55%. In addition, average daily roommate also dropped significantly 8.8% in 2009. Moreover, room demand dropped 6% in 2009. In contrast, the supply of rooms rose 3.2% in 2009 (refer to figure1). While the U.S. government is making their way out from 2008 recession, SPs forecasted that the hotel industry will not return to the same pre-recession level for the next eight to ten years. Figure 2: Percent Change in Room Supply and Demand in the U.S. from 1989 April 2009 Real GDP helps the hotel industry in predicting room demand In the hotel industry, a high accuracy in room demand elasticity estimation provides CEO with essential information for a long term planning and deploying strategies. In 2009, the research by Dr. Hanson from Global Hospitality Group Hospitality Lawyers shows approximately a 1-to-1 relationship that holds between the U.S. Real GDP and room demand until the 2001 economic crisis. The real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total output of goods and services produced in a country and adjusted for priced change. The demand is more elastic when the greater the proportion of income spent on the good. After the 2001 recession, the demand retract and continue to grow in a slower pace when compare with the real GDP. The GDP is increasing 4 times faster than the room demand does. The 5 factors that researcher believes that might have an influence GDP and room demand relationship are: Long-term deterioration in consumer confidence, Higher consumer saving rate, consumers trying to recover lost investment, new pattern of behavior and proposed levels of tax increase affecting disposable income. Moreover, in the 2008 recession, the researcher also believes that the recession might create an additional snap back for room demand. Figure 3: The relationship between GDP and Room Demand U.S. Business and group travel The hotel industry profitability can be influenced by a demand from business travel. According to a member survey, the Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE) reports hotel expense represents, on average, 40% of all business travel expense. In addition, American Express stated that airfare will increase from 2% to 10% in 2011, and hotel rates will increase 1% to 10% (Paurowski, 2010). The survey also indicated that 35% of its member strongly considered optimizing hotel expense in 2011 and 50% of its member expressed concern regard increasing in expenses. Passenger Name Record (PNR) in Computer Reservation System (CRS) showed that cooperate travelers have shifted booking methods from Travel Management Companies (TMCs) to Online Travel Agency (OTA). In fact, 30% of its members stated that online hotel rates offered are lower than negotiated rates. The complementary items that are preferred by the majority corporate travelers are: complementary cocktails, free WiFi-internet ac cess and comfort. In conclusion, the demand for business and group travel will likely be for cheaper rooms at lower rates with free complementary. (Michael Boult, 2010). Domestic and international travelers Shifts in airline schedules and passenger booking have a direct impact on hotel occupancy. According to the data from Air Transport Association (ATA) 2010 annual report, the static in figure 3 shows that domestic capacity had a declining trend since 2000, and the data also showed that passenger enplaned has dropped significantly from 743 million passengers in 2008 to 703 million in 2009 reflecting a 5.3% decrease of airline industry capacity. In fact, profit margin in the airline industry has been on the negative side. Airliners cut back routes and canceled destinations. For international travelers, The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) and Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI) expect the industry growth in 2010 and gradual increase to approximately 6-9% through 2015. Five countries, excluding Canada and Mexico, that rank highest in number of visitors to the U.S. in 2010 by volume are: China (40%), Brazil (35%), Korea (35%), Hong Kong (27%), New Zealand (24%) and Australia (19%). A weakening in U.S. currency helps the hotel industry by stimulating the demand from international travelers. Figure 3: Domestic Demand Trend, Profitability among Airline, Passenger Yield Trend Medical tourism -a little hope for the hotel industry In the economic downturn, hotel industry needs a stimulant plan to boot-up its occupancy rate. In 2009, Reuters Health section provided some interesting facts about medical tourism in the U.S. The report indicated that U.S. health providers have lost 650,000 patients to hospital oversea such as Thailand, India, and Singapore. In addition, the health providers are predicted to lose as much as $67.7 billion in revenue in 2010. Oscar Goodman, Mayor of Las Vegas, foresee the opportunity for the hotel industry in Las Vegas. Mayor encourages a local business to support the idea of medial tourism. The medical tourism will be an alternative business in the area, the national public radio reported. Casio Industry Casinos are the largest revenue generator in the gambling industry. The industry provided approximately 350,000 jobs in the U.S. market. The American Gaming Association and the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) are the main organizations in the U.S. casino industry. The AGA encourages its members and their employee to be aligned with updated law and regulations. Moreover, AGA is a realizable source for a gaming industry providing gaming history, educational program, and statistic data on the Casino industry. In addition, the NIGA under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act has provided Native Americans opportunities to legally run casinos. U.S. casino trends The casino industry has been hard-hit by the recession. According to the United States department of labor, the Mass Layoff statistics (MLS) program showed that the hotel-casino industry eliminated 13,000 jobs in 2008 (Labor, 2010). The revenue trend in the casino industry has been on a downturn for the last two consecutive years. The SP expected a slow recovery from the casino industry. Las Vegas, Nevada As of 2009, the American Gaming Association reported that Las Vegas with $5.55 billion in revenue was a dominant U.S. market. According to Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), the statistic in figure 5 showed a 2.4% increase in the number of visitors from 2009. The Las Vegas Strip gaming revenue was increased by 4.3%, but the downtown area gaming revenue was decreased by -7.3% from 2009. In 2009, the 14% unemployment rate in the state Nevada plummeted the economic trail. On a carryover impact from the economic crisis in 2008, the number of attendees at conventions, and a number of scheduled conventions and number of meetings held remained on the decline with decreases of -1.1% and -6.7% respectively. According to the Las Vegas Visitor Profile, Market Segment reported by LVCVA (2009) that 76% of Casino guests were most likely to be traveling in a party of two and average stay in Las Vegas is 4 nights. Casino guests on LVCVA survey stated that 87% of visitors called the hotel-casino directly to book their accommodation. In 2010, SPs industry report estimated casino revenue on the Strip to be 35%-45% of total revenues, and the revenue from hotel rooms was 20-30% of the total revenue. A total enplaned and deplaned air passenger continued to decline. The number of air travelers accounts for 42% of all visitors. (LVCVA visitor profile: ir visitor version). The SPs report indicated strong growth from Las Vegas. Figure 4: U.S. Casino Industry Gaming Revenue Figure 5: Las Vegas Convention and Visitor Authority (LVCVA) : Executive Summary Atlantic City, New Jersey The Atlantic City is a second large of the U.S. casino marketplace. The static in figure 4 shows that casinos in the area have been losing revenue -5.7%, -7.6% and 13.2% in three consecutive years. According to SP, casinos in Atlantic City are facing heavily competition from New York and Pennsylvania. Macau, China: New Era of Asia Gold rush Macau is a special administrative region of China. The CIA The World Factbook reported that, in 2006, Macaus gaming revenue surpassed that of the Las Vegas strip, and gaming-related taxes accounted for more than 70% of total government revenue. The Macau market attracted many casino operators from Las Vegas to come and establish a new home-based outside the U.S. In 2010, the profit in Macau market increased 9.7% in revenue from its loss in 2009. The gaming industry in Macau was expected to rise, but, SP reported a concern about the room surplus of 40% in 2011 and 2012. In the long-term, SP still believes that the Macau gaming industry will generate a significant profit for China. Singapore: A hidden dragon Singapore is the one of the most strategic locations in South-East Asia. According to Economy Watch and World Bank, Singapore is considered to be a very attractive country for new business. Sources in the Wall Street Journal on October 7, 2010 reported that the Marina Bay Sands project is a 8-billion dollar casino in Singapore, known to be the cleanest city in the world. The casino includes three 50-story structure with approximately 2,500 rooms; a casino, retail stores, dining and 800,000 square feet entertainment complex. The SP 2010 industry report predicted that the top five markets for Singapore casinos are: Indonesia, China, Australia, India and Malaysia. In addition, the Marina Bay Sands should have no effect on Macau market because the hotel presents a more family-orientated appeal. Legal and Regulation Internet/Online gambling Online gambling is illegal in the U.S. as of November, 2010. Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Act (H.R. 2266)  was introduced to congress in May 2009 by Frank, Barney  (Rep). The bill is aimed to Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, which prohibits internet gambling operators from receiving money related to any online gambling that violates State or Federal law (Frank, 2010). Online gambling is also on a serious debate among AGA members regarding a safety and government regulation. The concerns regarding an online gambling are a security technology such as firewall to protect million online users. Summary Key Fact from Industry Analysis Room demand dropped because economic recession. Occupancy rate dropped because dropped in demand and increasing room surplus. Real GDP could be used as atool for the hotel industry to future demand. Business Travel booking trends changed from Travel agency to online travel agency. China is a number one inbound visitor by volume from oversea. Medical tourism could be an alternative route for simulating demand. Gaming on Las Vegas Strip continues generating profit. Atlantic City market for casino is not pleasant after loss in profit of 3 consecutive years. Macau is growing and generated more revenue than Las Vegas Strip. Singapore could be a new growing casino market in South-East Asia. Legalize an online gambling is an ongoing process. Casino Market: Oligopoly Market Competition In 2009, the casinos industry had revenue in total of $US 21.8 billion. To determine an economic competitive type of market in the industry, the company uses a four-firm concentration ratio as the indicator. The ratio is the percentage of total industry sales made by the four largest firms (Fig. 4). The four-firm ratio for the casinos industry is approximately 70%, which had created an oligopoly form of market competition. In oligopoly, one firm decision can have a direct influence on demand, price, and profit of competitor in the industry. Figure 5: Companies in the casino industry by revenue Furthermore, external assessment of the industry is a critical process for management in decision making. The Porters Five-Forces Model, competitive analysis tool, has been utilized for in-depth industry analysis. The model analysis is provided five perspectives in assessing the industry: Rivalry among competing firms, Potential entry of new competitor, Potential development of substitute products, Bargaining power of suppliers, and Bargaining power of consumers. Porters Five-Forces Model Analysis Rivalry among existing competitors: MGM : Rivalry among existing competitors : HIGH Same-size competitors High exit barrier Indifferent in product and service among competitors Table x: Threat of existing competitors The competitive atmosphere in hotel industry is high.   There are a lot of competitors in industry.   Furthermore, it seems that competitors compete in same dimension because in commercial casino industry, customers are not much diverse. Therefore, players in this industry found it hard to target different customers with different needs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are a lot of competitors with equal power and size.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Exit barrier in commercial casino industry is high because a company invests huge amount of money, especially, building cost. Even a company wants to exit from the industry, sometimes it force to stay in because exit costs are high.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Product and service in commercial casino industry are identical. Moreover, there is no switching cost for buyers. Thus, competitor might cut price to attract buyers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fixed costs are high. In order to compete in hotel industry, a casino manager adopts revenue management. The process allows buyers to stay in same type of room in different price. Even a hotels products and service are not rapidly become outdated but competitive atmosphere in commercial casino industry is hot, therefore, companies cannot make high profit from this industry. Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants for hotel and motels industry is low. The industry has significant barriers to entry which include: MGM : Threat of new entrants : LOW Supply-side economies of scale Demand-side benefits of scale Customers switching costs Capital requirements Restrictive government policy Position advantages independent of size Unequal access to distribution channels Table x: Threat of new entrants Supply-side economies of scale:   In commercial casino industry these economies hardly appear. Even a company built more rooms or more recreations in its casino, these economies will not appear. Moreover, the company has to carry more cost, more maintenance cost and more employees cost. Demand-side benefits of scale (network effects): These benefits occur when the numbers of buyer patronize the company. However, these benefits might not occur in commercial casino industry. In commercial casino industry, a company will find advantages in location, facilities and characteristics of personal working in direct contract with customers. Therefore, having a lot of customers patronize a company will not provide huge demand-side benefits of scale. Customers switching costs: In commercial casino industry, when customers purchase service from a casino, it is one time use. Therefore, there is no switching cost. Capital requirements: In order to enter commercial casino industry, a company needs to finance huge budget and the industry return is not attractive. Thus this industry has high barrier. Position advantages independent of size: These advantages are not depends on a companys size, incumbents can have competitive advantages that not available to competitors. These advantages in commercial casino industry can stem from locations, brand identities and service. Unequal access to distribution channels: It is not hard to establish or find distribution channels in commercial casino industry. A company could use agents or let customer books rooms via its websites. Restrictive government policy: There might be some restriction related to commercial industry such in some area government do not allow a company to build a building that higher than 2 floors or in some countries, a company has to has citizens hold more than half of a companys shares to operate in that country. In U.S., commercial casino industry is the most regulated and monitored industry. The threat of substitutes: MGM : Threat of substitutes : HIGH Competitor Table x: Threat of substitutes There are some substitutes for commercial casino such as hostels, apartments or houses. Customers can stay in hostel, apartment or houses and go to gaming or using recreation facilities at casinos. If buyers concern convenience, they might prefer casino. Because they will have maids clean their room and casinos always locate in a convenience location. If buyers concerns price, they might stay in hostel. However, if buyers concern privacy, they might prefer house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is no cost of switching to substitute. Buyers can change to substitutes anytime if they would like. Hostels, apartments and house can be substitutes for casinos. They perform similar products and service to casinos, if you concern only hospitality part. However, there are some differences which made substitutes have huge different from hotels. Buyers have to determine trade-off between hotels and substitutes. In this industry, the threat of substitutes is not high because substitutes have too many differences in facilities and service from casinos. Thus, industrys profitability is not suffered from substitutes. The power of suppliers: If suppliers have power over a company, suppliers might set its price higher, limit quality of service and shift its cost to other parties. In commercial casino industry, a company uses wide range of different suppliers such as supplier for construction, supplier for food and beverages and supplier for hotel equipment. There is almost no monopoly in hotel suppliers. Moreover, only a few supplies that have switching cost such as securities equipment and suppliers did not differentiate their products. The company has to differentiate itself by choosing good location, providing well-maintenance facilities and providing supreme service. Furthermore, the company can easily find substitute suppliers. Therefore, the power of suppliers in commercial casino industry is low. The power of buyers: MGM : The Power of Buyer : Table x: The power of buyer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are various customers in commercial casino industry. However, there are some buyers that have ability to negotiate such as group tour.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Products and service in commercial casino industry are not much different. If customers find that a hotel that they always stay in is full, they have to stay in other hotel. They have to purchase products and service in some hotel anyway.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Buyers have no switch cost. If buyers want to change from a hotel to a hotel, they can just check-in to another hotel without any switching cost.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Buyers cannot produce industrys product if buyers found that a hotel is too profitable. Buyers can switch to other hotels but they cannot produce it by their selves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In commercial casino industry, buyers do not stick with brands. Buyers might concerns about quality of product and service. If they find another casino that cheaper but quality and facility are same, they will switch to another casino. In sum, in commercial casino industry, buyers are relatively price sensitive. From analysis given above, buyers in commercial casino industry have high power and seem to be price sensitive. They can press companies to lower their price and can ask for more quality and service. Financial and Accounting Analysis The financial information was published annually to external and internal users. MGM Mirage Inc. financial statements had been analyzed using financial ratio analysis and information in management discussion. The median number of industry ratio in 2009 is used in this report. By the nature of hotel business, MGM contains a high fix-cost in normal business operation and profits are driven by tourism and business travel demand. MGM requires a large capital to run its hotels and casinos. In 2010, MGM is in process of development a City Center, a capital intensive driven project. The delayed of City Center project has enormous impact on MGM financial statement. Liquidity and Financial Position Liquidity Ratios Industry 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Current Ratio 1.1 1.28 0.51 0.68 0.92 0.66 Quick Ratio 0.8 1.02 0.2 0.48 0.5 0.48 Credit Risk: Facing Bankruptcy As of December 31, 2009, MGM is in a weak financial position because of its indebtedness. MGM with credit rating of CCC+ operated the business with 39% on the long-term debt. The management team declared unpleasant statement about the $1.1 billion senior credit facility debt which might be defaulted on maturity date in 2010. The management suggests that MGM must extent the payback period by negotiating with their creditors. Also, management has predicted that future revenue from operation and tax refunds would help reducing MGM debt. The current and quick ratio indicated that MGM has had insufficient fund to operate its casino since 2005. With the ratio less than 1 and below the industry average in both current ratio and quick ratio, MGM has been operated on the line of bankruptcy if the company defaults on its debt. Revenue base and mix MGM primary source of revenue came from Las Vegas Strip. As December 31, 2009, the majority of MGM revenue came from three sources: casino (44%), hotel room (23%), and food beverage (23%). Casino revenue dropped 12% from 2008 and it had been on decline trends since 2007. In 2009 MGM financial statement, revenue from casino had been divided into three sub-categories: Table games (36% of total casino revenue), Slots (60% of total casino revenue), and Other revenue. The table game revenue decreased 11%, even though there is 33% increases in demand for baccarat. Sustainability of revenues and earning As of December 2009, MGM **Reasonable Analysis *focus on MDA *Risk and Factor * Note Analyzing financial statement Accounting item to review Cash Flow Profitability ratios MGM profitability ratios are negative in 2010 and 2009 for some ratios. ROA in both 2009 and 2010 are negative. We can break ROA to net profit margin multiply total assets turnover to deepen our analyzing.   Assets turnover ratio shows MGMs ability to use assets generate revenues. MGMs assets turnover ratio decreases from 2007 to 2009. Even this ratio does not decrease much during 3 year period, it made ROA go down. The main factor that has impact on ROA is net profit margin. The MGM has very low net profit margin since 2008. MGMs bad signal shows since 2008. After its net profit margin ratio plunge to -11.86% in 2008 and -21.61% in 2009 which a major factor lowing ROA. From analyzing ROA, we can see that MGM has a problem with maintaining its profit margin. MGMs revenues in 2008 are not much different from 2007, however, MGM cannot control operating expenses, operating expenses in 2007 exceeds revenues. In 2009 MGM revenues decreases by 17%, further, MGMs ability to control its op erating expense decreased. MGMs operating expenses in 2009 is 114.65% from revenues. The major increase in operating expenses in 2008 and 2009 is property transactions. MGMs ability to fulfill its short term obligation is getting better in 2009. Both quick and current ratios go up. The reason both quick and current ratios increase because in 2009 MGM carries more cash. However, MGM debt management ratios worsen. Long term debt to equity ratio increases from 2007 to 2009 results increase in total debt to equity ratio. These ratio shows MGM has larger portion of debt compare to equity. Even MGM carries more long term debt recently; MGM has interest coverage ratio high enough to pay back its interest. But this ratio trend increase in recent year. Hotel operating statistics Asset values Balance sheet ratios Book Value Off-balance-sheet commitments or liabilities Valuation measures Leverage ratios Debt Management 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 LT Debt to Equity 3.35 3.12 1.84 3.38 3.82 Industry Ratio Total Debt to Equity 3.63 3.39 1.84 3.38 3.82 Industry Ratio Interest Coverage 1.66 2.06 1.95 1.93 Industry Ratio Activity ratios Asset Management 2009 2008 2007 2006

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Main Tourist Destinations Of Edinburgh Tourism Essay

The Main Tourist Destinations Of Edinburgh Tourism Essay Tourism is not a new phenomenon: Smith (2004:25) noted: tourism and travel have been part of the human experience from millennia, describing it as a form of nomadism that characterizes Homo sapiens, which is both normal and, under the right condition, pleasurable. However, in the last thirty years, most certainly with the rise of the jet aircraft, tourism has grown in significant and emerged as a global phenomenon, affecting an increasing range of environments and attracting new markets as opportunities for travel have widened. In essence, tourism is associated with the following issues that simplifies of what it mean by tourism. Travelling away from ones home for 24 hours. Using ones leisure time to travel and take holidays. Travelling for business. Tourism is part of a global process of change and development which is no longer confined to the developed countries that traditionally provided the demand for world travel. Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland is situated on Scotlands East Coast on the south side of the Firth Of Forth. Home of the Scottish parliament, Edinburgh is enriched with culture, fine architecture and hosts of one of the most prestigious universities in the United Kingdom, The University of Edinburgh. The most well known attractions are Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Mile, the Holyrood Palace and The National Gallery of Scotland. With a population of 435,790 in 2005, Edinburgh is Scotlands second largest city after Glasgow.   Tourism is a major industry in Edinburgh. The cities popularity grows each year and is now the most popular destination of tourists visiting Scotland and second only to London of tourists visiting the United Kingdom. The city has always been prosperous but its popularity and status has increased since the Scottish Parliament was established in the city in 1999. Edinburgh an important commercial centre and has improved its financial status through decentralisation, which has increased the number of government services in the city and attracted businesses to Edinburgh. Task-1 Map of Edinburgh Main Tourist Destinations of Edinburg: Isle of Skye: The Isle of Skye is famed for its romantic and picturesque hills with rugged ridges and its remote coastline and sea lochs. The Red Hills (or Red Cuillin) and Cuillin (or Black Cuillin) are the most well-known ranges with the Old Man of Storrs a well-known feature. Come home to Skye, the worlds favourite island, recently voted 4th best island in the world by National Geographic magazine and movie film location of BLESSED, starring James Nesbitt. Approximately 400,000 visitors go to the Isle of Skye each year. Royal yacht Britannia: The Yacht today looks just as she would have appeared to Royal honeymooners, world leaders, and the thousands that visited her during years of faithful service. Visitor numbers have dramatically exceeded expectations, with 436,000 paying visitors in the first year. It was judged the best new tourist attraction in the UK in 1999, and was awarded a Five Star Visitor Attraction rating by the Scottish Tourist Board in 2001. Approximately 350,000 visitors go to the Royal yacht Britannia each year. Edinburgh Dungeon: A recent addition to Edinburgh Dungeon is the Mary Kings Ghost display, which has won rave reviews from many visitors. The realistic exhibit focuses on 1646, during the British Civil Wars, and an era when periodic outbreaks of the plague that had ravaged Great Britain since the 14th century was a threat feared by one and all. Approximately 300,000 visitors go to the Edinburgh Dungeon each year. Linlithgow Place: Linlithgow Palace was once a magnificent palace built and lived in by successive Stewart kings and where Mary Queen of Scots was born. Though in ruins now, it is still an impressive and exciting site and provides a wonderful opportunity to investigate life at the court of the Stewart monarchs. Linlithgows origins are lost in the mists of time.   It is likely that the town grew up around the royal residence.   By the beginning of the 12th Century King David 1sts Charter reveals it already well-established as a burgh with a mansion and a church, given by King David to the newly founded Augustinian Priory of St Andrews.   Malcolm IV and Wiliam the Lion are known to have lived in Linlithgow occasionally and there was a school in Williams reign. Approximately 350,000 visitors go to the Linlithgow Place each year. Loch Ness: The Great Glen in the Scottish highlands is a rift valley 60 miles long and contains thj,ree famous lochs, Lochy, Oich and Ness. The most famous of these is Loch Ness because of the monster said to lurk in its deep waters.   It is deeper than the North Sea and is very long and very, very narrow and has never been known to freeze. Approximately 250,000 visitors go to the Loch Ness each year. Museum of Edinburgh: The Museum of Edinburgh is housed in a series of 16th  to 18th century buildings arranged around a close a street with an entrance but no exit. The writer Robert Chambers called the property the speaking house because of the 16th century Latin inscriptions on the front of the building. By the 19th century the rooms were so sub-divided that  323 tenants lived there in 1851. Approximately 400,000 visitors go to the Museum of Edinburgh each year. Stirling Castle: Stirling Castle is a great symbol of Scottish independence and a source of enduring national pride. The castles long, turbulent history is associated with great figures from Scotlands past, such as William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Mary Queen of Scots. Approximately 250,000 visitors go to the Stirling Castle each year. Royal Mile: , People have been living on Castlehill for the last 7000 years . The castle area has been a hillfort for over 2000 years. The name Edinburgh comes from the ancient Gaelic Dun Eidyn which means hill fort on the sloping ridge. The Royal Mile runs down the East shoulder of this once active volcano and this is what gives the Royal mile its distinguishable geographical location. It was 325 million years ago during an ice age that the immense pressure of moving glaciers carved out its profile. Approximately 300,000 visitors go to the Royal Mile each year. Loch Lomond: Loch Lomond is a freshwater loch lying on the Highland Boundary Fault, the boundary between the lowlands of Central Scotland and the Highlands. It is 39  kilometres (24 mi) long and between 1.21  kilometres (0.75 mi) and 8  kilometres (5.0 mi) wide. It has an average depth of about 37  metres (121 ft), and a maximum depth of about 190  metres (620 ft). Its surface area measures 71  km2 (27 sq  mi), and it has a volume of 2.6  km3 (0.62 cu  mi). Of all lakes in Great Britain, it is the largest by surface area, and the second largest (after Loch Ness) by water volume. Within the United Kingdom, it is surpassed only by Lough Neagh and Lower Lough Erne in Northern Ireland. Approximately 300,000 visitors go to the Loch Lomond each year. Edinburg Castle: Edinburgh Castle has dominated its surroundings with majesty for centuries. Today the castle continues to attract visitors to its rocky perch. Edinburghs Castle rock has been a stronghold for over 3000 years. Approximately 1,000,000 visitors go to the Edinburg Castle each year. Arthurs Seat: Arthurs Seat is the main peak of the group of hills which form most of holy rood Park, a wild piece of highland landscape in the centre of the city of Edinburgh, about a mile to the east of Edinburgh Castle. The hill rises above the city to a height of 251  m (823 ft), provides excellent panoramic views of the city, is quite easy to climb, and is a popular walk. Though it can be climbed from almost any direction, the easiest and simplest ascent is from the East, where a grassy slope rises above Dunsa pie Loch. Approximately 250,000 visitors go to the Arthurs Seat each year. National gallery of Scotland: The National Gallery of Scotland, in Edinburgh, is the national art gallery of Scotland. An elaborate neoclassical edifice, it stands on The Mound, between the two sections of Edinburghs Princes Street Gardens. The building, which was designed by William Henry Playfair, first opened to the public in 1859. Approximately 350,000 visitors go to the National gallery of Scotland each year. Princes Street: Princes Street is one of the major thoroughfares in central Edinburgh, Scotland, and its main shopping street. It is the southernmost street of Edinburghs New Town, stretching around 1  mile (1.6  km) from Lothian Road in the west to Leith Street in the east. The street is mostly closed to private cars, with public transport given priority. The street has virtually no buildings on the south side, allowing panoramic views of the Old Town, Edinburgh Castle, and the valley between. Approximately 450,000 visitors go to the Princes Street each year. TABLE S/L No Destination No of tourist in each year Tourist Expenditures ( £) By UK visitors By foreign visitors 1 Isle of Skye 400,000 2 Royal yacht Britannia 350000 3 Edinburgh Dungeon 300000 4 Linlithgow Place 350000 5 Loch Ness 250000 6 Museum of Edinburgh 400000 7 Stirling Castle 400000 8 Royal Mile 300000 9 Loch Lomond 300000 10 Edinburg Castle 1000000 11 Arthurs Seat 250000 12 National gallery of Scotland 350000 13 Princes Street 450000 14 Task-2 Isle of Skye The Island of Skye, situated off the West coast of Mainland Scotland, is the largest and best known of the Inner Hebrides. The island has been occupied since the  Mesolithic  period and has a colourful history including a time of  Norse  rule and a long period of domination by  Clan MacLeod  and  Clan Donald. It is famed and renowned for its romantic and picturesque hills with rugged ridges and its remote coastline and sea lochs. Moreover its spectacular scenery, vibrant culture and heritage, and its abundant wildlife including the  Golden Eagle,  Red Deer  and  Atlantic Salmon. Skye has a strong musical tradition reaching back through the centuries, and for an island of less than ten thousand people it has given the world a long list of renowned artists in a surprising variety of genres. Gaelic culture and heritage pervade the atmosphere, each part of the Island having its own tales of times past and plans for the future. The residents are pretty self-sufficient, living off the island livestock and wild venison, baking their own bread and growing their own fruit and vegetables while foraging for mushrooms when in season. The largest employer on the island and its environs is the public sector, which accounts for about a third of the total workforce, principally in administration, education and health. The second largest employer in the area is the distribution, hotels and restaurants sector, highlighting the importance of tourism. Royal Yacht Britannia Britannia is owned by The Royal Yacht Britannia Trust, a non-profit making charity, and all proceeds go towards her long-term maintenance. The Royal Yacht Britannia hit the seas in 1953, and took the British royal family around the world from then until 1997, when she was decommissioned. Britannia is berthed alongside the stylish Ocean Terminal shopping centre which contains a choice of over 80 different boutiques, high-street shops and restaurants with scenic waterfront views. The Royal taste in maritime furnishings as roaming through the sun lounge and state apartments, marvel at the Queens on-board Rolls Royce garage, and finish with scones and champagne on the deck, now a tea room with a fine sea view. To be able to see all different sections of the ship and have the relevant audio commentary was fascinating. Highly recommend taking tea in the cafe on the Royal Deck. Every part of Britannia includes rich treasures to enjoy. Almost all the pieces in the State Apartments are on loan from The Royal Collection, with kind permission of the Majesty the Queen. A unique five-star visitor experience and recommended by BBC News as Scotlands leading visitor-friendly attraction, The Royal Yacht Britannia is an essential visit whilst in Edinburgh. For over forty years, the Royal Yacht sailed over one million miles on nearly a thousand official visits for the British Royal Family. Now berthed in Edinburghs historic port of Leith, Britannia is a fascinating visitor attraction. Edinburgh Dungeon Edinburgh Dungeon is a fascinating and fun family day out that will entertain and enliven ticket holders who venture into its impressive entry and descend into another bygone world. The many impressive features of Edinburgh Dungeon are the Anatomy Theatre, which demonstrates just how unhygienic a pre-industrial anatomical workshop was, with none of the modern sanitary conditions, equipment or medicines that are taken for granted today. The Clan Wars exhibition itself features a run-down of the bloody internecine warfare waged between the old Scottish clans of the Highlands and Lowlands, with realistic mock-ups in period costume, and armed with a fearsome array of weapons. The history on which these gruesome attractions of Edinburgh Dungeon are based hangings at the Grassmarket, Plague victims abandoned to die may be real, but the treatment, complete with actor-led experiences and rides, is true theater. Linlithgow palace: It was particularly popular amongst the queens. Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I lived there as babies. Linlithgow Palace is the classic romantic ruin, steeped in royal history and set beside a picturesque loch. It was begun in 1424 on the site of another palace that burnt down. In Annet House in the High Street is the  Linlithgow Story, with displays and exhibits explaining the history of the town. There are also herb, fruit tree and flower gardens. it is a ruined Palace (looks like a castle) with spiral staircases, parapets, hinges from the draw bridge, lake views, and lots of rooms to roam through Theres an impressive great hall and a magnificent three-tiered fountain in the courtyard At the  Linlithgow Canal Centre  in Manse Road is a small museum dedicated to the Union Canal, which links the Forth and Clyde Canal at Falkirk with Edinburgh. Loch Ness: Its Scotlands deepest loch. It has its own brooding Highland charm. But without the fable-or-fiction mystique of the Loch Ness monster, this would be just another picturesque stop on the Scottish nature trail. The legend of the Loch Ness Monster in the Scottish Highlands is often regarded as a myth, despite anecdotal sightings and reports of a giant sea-serpent or dragon inhabiting the waters of the Loch. there are lots of information leaflets wildlife tours and attractions in the Loch Ness area, as it is principally a nature lovers paradise.   Visit the Loch Ness Exhibition Centre at Drumnadrochit for a comprehensive look at the phenomenon. Museum of Edinburgh: It may not be the most spellbinding museum in town, but sentimentalists will love the Museum of Edinburgh, or Huntly House, just because it houses the collar and bowl of Greyfriars Bobby, that terrier symbol of devotion famous for sitting steadfastly on his masters grave A series of restored 16th and 17th-century townhouses to trace the history of Edinburgh from its earliest days as a prehistoric settlement, to its Roman occupation and medieval crafts. One of its most treasured artefacts is the National Covenant, a petition for religious freedom dating back to the 17th century; the museum also houses the original plans for the Georgian New Town, and the exhibitions run through to contemporary times. Stirling Castle: Stirling is one of Scotlands most historic towns. Once upon a time it was Scotlands capital and is still known as the gateway to the Highlands Stirling Castle is a great symbol of Scottish independence and a source of enduring national pride. The castles long, turbulent history is associated with great figures from Scotlands past, such as William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Mary Queen of Scots. Stirling has excellent provision for arts and nightlife. In the centre of the Old Town is the Tolbooth, a popular theatre and arts centre serving the 85,000 strong community and designed by leading architect Richard Murphy. Royal Mile: The castle area has been a hillfort for over 2000 years. The Royal Mile runs down the East shoulder of this once active volcano and this is what gives the Royal mile its distinguishable geographical location. It was 325 million years ago during an ice age that the immense pressure of moving glaciers carved out its profile   Royal Mile  is the impressive thoroughfare which connects  Edinburgh Castle  at the top of the hill with thePalace of Holyrood house  at the bottom.   Loch Lomond: Loch Lomond is the largest by surface area, and the second largest (after Loch Ness) by water volume in Great Britain. It is 39  kilometres (24 mi) long and between 1.21  kilometres (0.75 mi) and 8  kilometres (5.0 mi) wide. It has an average depth of about 37  metres (121 ft), and a maximum depth of about 190  metres (620 ft). Its surface area measures 71  km2 (27 sq  mi), and it has a volume of 2.6  km3 (0.62 cu  mi). Edinburgh Castle: The oldest building in all Edinburgh is to be found within the Castle precincts. It is St. Margarets Chapel, a tiny Norman building which has been standing there intact for more than 900 years.   The Royal apartments include a tiny room in which Mary, Queen of Scots gave birth to the boy who was to become King James VI of Scotland and James 1 of England upon the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603. The ancient Honours of Scotland the Crown, the Sceptre and the Sword of State are on view in the Crown Room. Authors Seat: Arthurs Seat is a notable landmark, dominating the city.   Known also as the Lions Head, Arthurs Seat is the highest of a series of peaks which take the form of a crouched lion. Task-3 Economic, Physical, Social, political Influence of Edinburg: Edinburgh Festival City In 1947 the first Edinburgh Festival was symbolic of a new era. To the International Festival has been added the Festival Fringe, Jazz, Book and Film festivals amongst others. At New Year, the Hogmanay celebrations are seen worldwide. The city centre has become an internationally recognised venue and backdrop for events. Values of individual festivals to the city economy (including indirect benefits) were calculated as follows: Edinburgh International Jazz and Blues Festival  £2.9 M ; Edinburgh Military Tattoo  £23.3 M ; Edinburgh International Film Festival  £2.1 M ; Edinburgh Festival Fringe  £69.9 M ; Edinburgh International Book Festival  £3.4 M ; Edinburgh International Festival  £19.3 M ; Edinburgh Mela  £0.8 M ; Festival Cavalcade  £3.3 M ; Edinburgh International Television Festival  £0.5 M ; Edinburgh International Games Festival  £0.9 M ; Edinburgh Storytelling Festival  £0.214 M ; Capital Christmas £11.5 M ; Edinburghs Hogmanay  £24.4 M ; Edinburghs Easter Festival  £3.3 M ; Edinburgh International Science Festival  £1.2 M ; Ceilidh Culture £0.266 M ; Childrens International Theatre Festival  £0.29 M. Total economic value to Edinburgh:  £167.9 M. In total, the 17 events attracted an attendance of 3.2 million people. A sample survey of International Festival audiences carried out in 2001 identified that 33% came from Edinburgh, 5% from the rest of the Lothians, 19%from the rest of Scotland, 25% from the rest of the U.K., and 18% from overseas. 67% of visitors said the Festival was their only reason for coming to Edinburgh, while a further 22% said it was every important reason. The EIFs 2003 Annual Review reported that 26% of visitors came from the rest of the UK outside Scotland, and 14% from overseas. Often described as the jewel in Scotlands tourism crown the success of tourism activity inn Edinburgh forms of key part of the citys economics policy. The sector employs 30,000 people ,with visitors contributing in the region of  £1 billion to the economy per annum .The recent creation of the Edinburgh City Region Brand confirms however that this activity should not be viewed in isolation ,rather as a prime target within a broader context .This World Heritage city consistently retains its position as the Uks second most important destination and acts as a gateway for visitors to Scotland . Edinburgh City Region is a world influencer in science, business, education and the arts and is Scotlands judicial and administrative centre. Edinburgh was crowned the Best Small City of the Future and  Top Location for Economic Potential  2010/11 in the Financial Times fDi magazine awards. The city region offers investors a highly educated and skilled workforce; access to UK, European and English- speaking markets; a stable political and supportive fiscal environment; a competitive economy with potential for growth and an unbeatable  quality of life. In world terms, Edinburgh ranks 20th ahead of Dubai, Amsterdam and Washington in the Global Financial Centres Index. The capital is also one of the worlds top fund management hubs and a major European centre for asset servicing. In banking and insurance, it is home to many international headquarters and global brands. More than half of the worlds top 20 financial organisations have substantial operations in Scotland, with a  critical mass  of activity in and around Edinburgh. Supporting this diverse industry is a world-class community of professional advisors and suppliers including lawyers, accountants, corporate financiers, brokers, human resources and IT specialists. Edinburghs legacy for innovation derives from its rich  knowledge economy. Nearly half of the city regions workforce is employed in knowledge-intensive jobs including computing, communications, scientific research and the creative industries. This has helped forge Edinburghs reputation as an Ideopolis a sustainable knowledge-intensive city that drives growth in the wider city region and develops knowledge industries that will be economically successful and improve quality of life. Research and development  is a core knowledge-intensive industry and focus of activity across the city region. More than half of total Scottish research activity is undertaken in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The city region is a top ten European location for science and technology.  The University of Edinburgh  is a world leader in many areas of scientific research including informatics, infectious diseases and stem cell research. Founded in 1582, the University has  attracted some of the  worlds greatest minds to the city, including anaesthetic pioneer James Simpson and evolutionist Charles Darwin. Task 4 : Understand how the UK inbound and domestic tourism is affected by internal and External factors : External factors: Health, safety and security within the UK, Accessibility Marketing campaigns, Availability of products and services, Quality of goods and services, Economic recession in UK and/or tourist generating countries, Exchange rates, Travel restrictions, Emergence of new markets, Competition from other destinations, weather Effects: Changes in visitor numbers, Length of stay, Volume and value of inbound and domestic tourism, Frequency of visits, generating countries and region Reference Task 2:Understand the culture ,social and physical features of tourist destination Task 2.a :Analyse culture ,social and physical features and explaining their appeal to tourist Task 2.b :Compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations Task 3:Understand how the characteristics of destinations after their appeal to tourist Task 3.a :Compare the appeal of current leading with that of currently developing tourist destination Task 3.b :Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal Task 4:Understand issues likely to affect the popularity of tourist destinations Task 4.a :Analyse issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations Task 4.b :Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations